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(2nd person POV)


"YOU DID WHAT?!" A short blonde woman screeched, dropping her phone in alarm. You rolled your eyes as she bent down to picked up the pink object.

It was around 10:30. You had just left your dorm and met up with your 5'ft friend, as your class started at 11:00 today. The two of you shared the same psychology class, along with English with your other 2 friends, but both Eleanor and Daisy didn't have class today, so it was just the two of you!

"Dude, it's really not that big of a de-" you we're effectively cut off when the short woman gripped the collar of your shirt and brought your faces close together.

"-You seduce a serial killer?!" She whisper-shouted in alarm, wiping her head around to see if anyone was watching. Not surprisingly, everyone was minding their own business, focused on getting to class.

Your face scrunched up in displeasure, putting a hand on her forehead and pushing her away, "dude, that is not what I told you." You sternly remark, placing your hands on your hips after escaping her grasp.

The brown eyed girl simply shrugged her shoulders, dusting off the invisible dust on her pink sweater.

"eh, I was close enough-"
"-you really weren't."

"So pookie, rewind real quick," She said as she placed a hand on her hip while the other clutched her phone, "You gave your number to some random psycho axe murder?"

"Potential axe murderer!" You stress, resuming your steps to your lecturer hall.

Alice buffered for a moment, taking in your words before jogging up to walk beside you, "from what you told me he seemed suuuuper crazy..." she grimaced while checking her phone. Your just side-eyed her.

"I mean, sure he was...odd but he seemed somewhat harmless. After we got over our awkward encounter we actually had a really good conversation!" You explain, smiling as you recall your small interaction with your possible new friend.

"His name is Toby and he's studying engineering! Isn't that cool?! We know like..no one who studies that shit!" It was her turn to side-eye you.

"Girl...was he at least hot..?" Her question made your face contort into a mortified expression, "What?! I'm just asking.."

You slightly shake your head at your friends antics, finding her as special as always. Alice simply giggled.

"Oh oh!" She grew excited, gently shaking your arms, "what if this is the start to your own dark romance! Where like, the guy is a serial killer who like..works with other killers! And-and he falls in love with you and you guys have like..a forbidden romance! And he's like really crazy but would never hurt you and is like super obsessed with you and-" you cut off your brown eyed friend mid rant by placing a finger to her lips.

She glanced at the finger to her mouth, then your face. She blinked twice before giggling. "Are you planning to write another 'book' about this? Like the AI one?" You question your friend, not being able to suppress the grin that made its way to your lips.

The blonde nodded vigorously, "absolutely~!"

You playfully scoff, rolling your eyes while you picked up your pace. You didn't want to be late again, your professor liked to pick on you...

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