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(??? POV)


Rain harshly cascaded down from the sky, drenching the land with frigid drops of water. Heavy footsteps echoed through the alleyway as boots clashed against the dampened floor, causing water to splash beneath my feet.

Trailing not to far behind myself, I could hear the footsteps of my friend, slightly dragging his feet.

The wind brutally slammed against my form, tousling my wet hair and clothing.  The thick, tense silence between us was filled with the patter of rain, and the whistle of blowing air.

Not too far off into the distance, a blood curdling scream sliced through the air. I halted my movements, slowly turning to face my friend. Although I couldn't see his features, I knew what his expression was.


Heaving out a sigh, I nudged my head to the side, signalling to make our way over to the soon-to-be murder scene. I saw my friend slightly nod, before resuming his steps. I turned my body and began to walk, this time by his side.

"Who do you think it is?" I heard him utter, his voice being muffled by the mask that concealed his feature, "I'm betting on Tobs, he's been hanging around the collage recently,"  he continued, while shrugging his shoulders.

I shake my head, letting out another sigh, "nah, I'm thinking it's Kate, haven't seen her in awhile, and you know how she is," I reply, keeping my gaze forward.

I heard hoodie let out a low chuckle, "whatever you say man...still think I'm right..." he mumbled, causing me to playfully scoff.

"If you somehow end up being right I'll..I'll uh give ya $20 dollars or something. Vice versa..deal?" I suggest, feeling confident in my intuition. I heard my friend chuckle, but agreed.

"Alrighty Timmy, you got yourself a deal," hearing that nickname caused my nose to scrunch up in distaste as I began to side-eye him.

While my eyes were the only feature distinguishable from the white mask that concealed my face, my side-eye was useless, as the alley we we're currently marching in was almost pitch black.
That and the rain made it even more difficult to see what was in-front of you. Yet despite all that my friend still somehow knew of my action.

"Don't even think about side-eyeing me. I know you love it when I call you that," the man claud in yellow teased, which just made me roll my eyes and grumble.

"Fuck you Brian.." I growl, shoving my hands into my pockets. He simply let out an amused huff in response.

Silence once more engulfed the air around us, our heavy breaths being carried within the wiping wind.

After a few more moments we turned a corner, only to be met with the shadow of two people. One running for their life, and the other giving chase.

The silhouette of the runner was young woman, probably early 20s. She had long blonde hair, and tear filled blue eyes. A small black dress hugged her curves, complementing her body in all the right places.

She was conventionally attractive, but was someone who hardly stood out . She wasn't someone you could easily point out in a crowd, or in a room filled with a bunch of white blonde latte addicted chicks.

Sinister love (creepypasta X fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now