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(2nd person pov)


"Oh my god I am SO sorry dude!"

Currently, on this fine Friday morning you were profusely apologizing to some random guy who happened to be attacked by your dog for no apparent reason.

You weren't exactly sure what had happened since the guy hadn't said a word. Instead, he had decided to stared you down with such intensity that you could feel your whole body shiver from just one glance.

This unknown boy made you nervous.

Not in some giddy cutesy 'ah I'm gonna marry him' kinda way, more in a 'holy shit, this guy is gonna axe me'  kinda way.

"Again, I'm so so sorry! I swear he's never EVER like this!! I have no idea what could've Provoked him to lash out so aggressively!!!" You paused for a moment to regain your thoughts.

The chance that this guy had done something was pretty high but you would have to be careful with your wording.

I mean, just asking a potential serial killer if he had provoked your dog could possibly piss him off even more. Then you would DEFINITELY be on the list if you're not already!

...thanks a lot Max.

"..uhm, did you-uh-did you happen to possibly see something o-or even accidentally do anything to maybe...uh...piss off my dog...?" You spoke slowly and calmly, internally wincing at your amazing choice of wording.

The boy who stood in front of you bawled up his fidgeting hands into tight fists, his knuckles turning white. His thick dark eyebrows furrowed even deeper...it seemed your well thought out question had pissed off the psycho even more.


"You t-think its m-my fault." The boy spoke in a low growl, his head twitching to the side as his neck cracked once more. Your eyes widened as your hold on Max's leash increased. Said dog noticed the change in the air and started to let out a low growl, his fur starting to spike up to make himself larger.

You frantically raise your hands in a defensive manner, still holding the leash and vigorously shaking your head in denial. "H-huh?! Nuh-uh! No! No! I Never said THAT! I just had to make sure! Y'know?!" You quickly replied.

It's clear that you gotta defuse this situation somehow! You clearly have amazing communication skills so it shouldn't be an issue...right..??

"Uh-uhm...d..DOG!!" You loudly exclaimed, which made the stranger slightly jump in surprise.

"...d-dog...?" The stranger lowly echoed your prior word. You simply nodded aggressively, a nervous smile spread across your face.

"Yes! Dog! Do you have a dog?" You inquire.

You see, Max is a rescue dog and since you didn't have him when he was a puppy his prior owners never properly socialized him, so he didn't get along with other dogs.

Especially husky's and poodles. He had beef with one husky and now hates them all and he hates poodles cuz...well idk I guess cuz it's a poodle🤷🏼‍♀️.

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