three. please don't go

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mentions of abuse, violence, drinking, language, and etc.

"Taylor, it's almost four in the morning, we've been searching for four hours. Let's go to the hotel and freshen up. The police will continue to look," Scott suggests.

"No, dad, I can't. I know I just met her but I can't let her go like that," Taylor says, falling to the ground.

After a couple minutes of convincing, Taylor reluctantly agrees to freshen but and search again. The whole one hour ride to the hotel, Taylor was filled with hopelessness and guilt. She felt useless because she couldn't find the girl.

"Help!" Aurora screamed.

She has fallen into a small crack in the rocks and was starting to lose breath. As she heard footsteps getting closer, she called out again, in hopes of being rescued. As the footsteps went away, she screamed with panic.

"Taylor!" she screamed, not knowing what else to say

Taylor's guards quickly ran over and peered through the crack, seeing Aurora's tiny body stuck in there. They immediately start hammering the rock, carefully chipping away bit by bit.

"Taylor, we found her. But, she's unconscious right now and is barely alive. We're taking her to the nearest hospital, I just sent you the address," Tree said, after calling Taylor.

The whole ride to the hospital, Taylor was a nervous mess and she couldn't stop crying. She was informed that the girl only had a thirteen percent chance of making it. As soon as they reached the hospital, Taylor ran past the front desk and into the room that Tree told her the girl was in Just as she was about to go in, Tree stopped her, wanting to talk to her.

"Taylor, listen to me. The girl, Aurora, is covered in bruises and she has a really deep cut which almost reaches her skull. She has three broken ribs and a broken foot. A man stormed in and claimed to be her dad and is demanding to see her. We asked her and she said she wants you in there, but don't ask her any questions and please be really gentle,"

"I will, Tree. That poor girl, all those bruises are not from when she ran off. I saw them when I first approached her,"

"Her father claims that she ran away in anger cause he didn't let her go out with her friends and she might have gotten hurt when sneaking out. Aurora agreed so it's probably that,"

"Jumping out of a fucking window doesn't cause that. It's her stupid dad,"

"Taylor! We can't assume anything,"

"Whatever, I'm going in,"

Taylor peered her head through the door to see a man towering over a nurse, screaming at the top of his lungs. Aurora was curled up on the bed, with fear evident in her eyes.

"Hey," Taylor whispered, as she walked to Aurora.

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