eight. you're losing me

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mentions of rape, abuse, violence, drinking, language, and etc.

Against Aurora's wises, Taylor sat right beside her while the police took the abusive couple away. The police had found all the evidence they needed in the house and on Aurora's body to make them stay in jail until the court sets up a trial date.

"You okay?" Taylor asks, as they were the only two people left.

"Yes, ma'am," Aurora replies.

"It's just Taylor, buddy, no ma'am," Taylor reminds the girl.

"Sorry.. Taylor,"

Aurora was much more closed of and cold towards Taylor. She knew she deserved it, but she really wanted to help this girl.

"I'll be back, okay? I'll just be in the kitchen over there," Taylor says, walking to the kitchen.

She calls her mom to ask the woman to come over and help her.

"Hey mom,"

"Hey hon, what's up?"

"I messed up really bad, mom. They hurt Aurora really bad, her body is filled with bruises and she's become really closed off. Also she hates me now, I don't know what to do,"

"Taylor, you didn't want this to happen, they fooled all of us. Maybe you could have gave her you number so she could reach out, but none of us knew. I'm coming over and we'll help her,"

Taylor sighed and sat on the stools by the counter looking over at Aurora. The small girl was now rocking back and forth while picking her nails.

"Fuck," Aurora yelped, grabbing Taylor's attention.

"Aurora!" Taylor exclaims, running over the girl.

She grabbed Aurora's hand, which was now bleeding. Aurora had tugged at her nail so hard, her skin peeled so far back, it was bleeding.

"Darling, don't do that," Taylor says, while putting a Band-Aid around Aurora's finger.

"I'm sorry," Aurora mutters, looking down.

They both sit there in silence, Taylor looking at Aurora who was staring at her feet. Aurora liked Taylor's presence but was scared to want to get close again just to be hurt again. Aurora flinched as she heard a knock on the door, Taylor looked at her with sympathy before opening it.

"Hey, mom," Taylor greets, giving her mom a hug.

"Hi, Taylor, are you doing okay?" she asks.

"Yeah I just, you know, she's over there,"

"I'm gonna go talk to her, you can make lunch here. There seems to be some spaghetti and sauce. Then we'll go back to the apartment," Andrea says.

Taylor goes into the kitchen to follow her mother's instructions. Andrea walks to the girl, sitting down a couple seats away.

"I'm Andrea, Taylor's mom," she introduces.

"Aurora," Aurora responds in a whisper.

"I get it, Aurora. You're scared to trust Taylor again," Andrea says.

Aurora looks at the woman and nods her head, then looks back at her feet again.

"You think she's gonna leave you and you're gonna get hurt again. You don't want to get close to her again because when you did, it ended badly,"

Aurra looked back at the woman, who seemed to be reading her mind. Andrea gives her a small smile and moves closer.

"The day you left, Taylor cried for the next three days because she missed you so much. She really wanted to make it work, but everyone on her team was against the idea. She fought with them for four hours straight. I can tell she's mad at herself for what happened, she really does care. You don't have to believe me or go back with Taylor. I just want you to know that she didn't do this on purpose, she wanted you to be safe,"

Aurora didn't say a word, she was trying to process what Andrea had told her. She fell to the side with her legs hanging over the couch and her head on Andrea's lap.

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