seven. i swear i'd love you right

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early chapter as requested

mentions of rape, abuse, violence, drinking, language, and etc.

Taylor rushed to the couple's address, banging on the door. She could hear yelling coming from the inside, but she couldn't hear Aurora's voice.

"Hey Taylor, you're three hours early," Annie says, as she opened the door.

"I want to see Aurora now!" Taylor says, firmly.

"One second," Annie chuckles, rushing into the house.

James and Annie come back with Aurora behind them. Taylor takes a good look at her, she was nothing like what she looked like a couple minutes ago. She was a little skinnier but she had no bruises and she was smiling.

"Hey Taylor," Aurora said, waving from behind.

Taylor stood there speechless but with relief.

"I'm so sorry guys. I saw someone at the shop who looked just like you and she was hurt so I wanted make sure she was okay," Taylor said.

"It's okay, but Aurora is doing great here? Right?" James asks, turning to Aurora.

"Yeah," Aurora replied, looking down.

"Why are you looking down?" Taylor questions.

"She's just tired, big day today," Annie laughs.

Aurora nods her head and goes along with it. Taylor reluctantly leaves and decides to talk to Aurora more in a couple hours.

"You little shit!" James screams after Taylor had left.

He shoved Aurora against the wall, the socks stuffed in her shirt falling out, reveling her thin frame. He gives her a hard punch, blood dripping out of her nose.

"James! Careful! She needs to be there at the party today so Taylor won't get skeptical. We need the cash. You can do whatever after the party," Annie said, grabbing the girl.

Aurora was stuffed into a dress to make her look healthy and covered in water-proof make up. She was suppose to follow strict rules like staying close by so they could hear her and not eating or drinking any of the food.

After about thirty minutes of the party, Taylor arrived, her eyes always on Aurora. She talked with many different people, but she'd always come back to Aurora, but she was never able to talk to her. Every time taylor went up, she would always be stopped by James or Annie. When Annie went to the restroom and James was on the other side of the room, she went to talk to Aurora.

"Hey honey," she said, going over to Aurora.

"Hi Taylor," Aurora said, trying to get away.

"I won't bite you, you know," Taylor joked.

"I need to talk to Annie," Aurora said, quickly moving away.

She rushed over to Annie who had came out the bathroom. Taylor's suspicions increased drastically after that encounter. She quietly slipped away and went upstairs, searching for clues. Just as she was about to go back down, she saw traces of blood, following it, she went into a room. There was water-proof make up, a lot of blood, and lots of socks.

Taylor rushed downstairs and hugged Aurora, who yelped in shock. And to Taylor's disappointment, a couple socks fell out.

"Party's over guys!" Annie called, after looking at the socks.

While Annie and James were shoving everyone out, Taylor called the police, and Aurora sat there in a corner, sobbing. Taylor felt guilt and sadness wash over her as she realized what she put Aurora through.

"Taylor, we can explain," James said, trying to get closer the Aurora.

Taylor shoved him back with all her might, standing in front of Aurora, guarding her from them.

"Save it for the police," Taylor said.

She walked over to Aurora who had her head buried in her knees and was letting out silent sobs. She gently put her arm on the girls back, causing her to cry in pain while trying to get away.

"Taylor go away, please," the girl begged, breaking Taylor's heart.

"Darling, I am so sorry for making you go with them. I'm really sorry you have to go through all of this. You can come back and stay with me, we'll make it work," Taylor suggests.

"I don't want to go back with you," Aurora replies honestly, breaking Taylor's heart for the second time.

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