fifteen. epilogue

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Taylor stood there with her lawyer and publicist in her maroon suit with her hair pinned back in a bun. They were waiting on Andrea, Scott, Austin and Aurora. Taylor set out early but left Aurora with her mom so they could come later during the second trial where she was needed. The judge agreed that Aurora didn't need to come as it might cause a panic attack if she sees them and Taylor had enough pictures and evidence. Taylor just finished the first case and luckily all three men were sentenced to jail for 13 years and her father was sent to jail for 22 years.

"Hi, baby," Taylor greeted, as Aurora ran over to her.

"Tay.." the small girl tried to say.

Taylor smiled at the attempt and hugged the small girl gently. Everyone was all dressed up formally except for Aurora. She was told by the doctor to wear something baggy so it won't touch her bruises, which the judge was okay with. Taylor took Aurora to the side, wanting to talk to her.

Before Taylor could say anything, a lady who looked just like Aurora came up to them, grabbing Aurora. Aurora let out a yelp as Taylor pushed the woman off.

"Aurora, I am your mother, not this stupid lady here. Come to mommy," they woman said in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Aurora whimpered as she held onto Taylor. Luckily Tree came over and pulled both girls away from the crazy lady. The whole family walked together into the courtroom, Aurora and Taylor sit at the defendant table, the lawyer, Douglas Baldridge, stood by the table while the rest of them sat in the gallery by the table.

To no surprise, the woman, Amy, shows up almost twenty minutes late, really annoying the judge. Amy's lawyer starts off with her case.

A/n: I don't really know how this works, so I'm making this up.

"You honor, my client, Amy Miller, has not had the chance to be there in her daughter's life. She wasn't able to see her daughter's first words, first steps, middle school graduation, all thanks to her dad. But with him out of the picture, Amy is finally able to return and reunite with her daughter. Your Honor, my client loves her daughter but how can she prove it if she doesn't get a chance? Both her and her now husband are lovely people and make enough money to support her. Please give her a chance to raise her kid. Thank you,"

Taylor comfortably rubs the girl's back as she leaned closer to Taylor.

"I call Aurora up to the stand," the lawyer goes.

Aurora nods her head no, clinging onto Taylor.

"It's gonna be okay, just answer honestly, baby," Taylor says, coaxing the girl to go.

After a minute, Aurora goes to the stand in front of the lawyer.

"Aurora, are the only things you heard about your mother from your father?"

She nodded her head no.

"Who did you hear them from?"


"All you heard from the police is that she was alive, right?"

She nodded her head yes.

"And about her, you heard from your father?"

She nodded her head yes again.

"Is your father a reliable person?"


"So everything you think about your mother is from an unreliable source, so you can't trust it, right?"

After a minute of silence, the lawyer speaks again.

"Your honor, her daughter can't talk properly but you heard it from her that everything about her mom that she knows is false, give her a chance with her mother,"

Aurora runs off, back to Taylor, who engulfs her into a hug.

"You did amazing," Taylor says to her.

"Defendant, you may start now,"

"Your honor, I would first like to submit two pieces of evidence," Douglas starts off.

He hands the judge his phone, showing a video of Amy grabbing Aurora from earlier.

"Your honor, Amy made my client and Aurora uncomfortable by barging in and grabbing her hand. She was previously told about Aurora's condition and ignored it. Is this the kind of person Aurora should be around?"

He also hands her a USB which is played for everyone to see. It was an old video of Amy saying that she didn't want her daughter and was leaving her husband in a violent way."

"Your honor, my client took in Aurora when she was found almost dead, she spent days finding the missing girl, twice, taking care of her, paying her hospital bills and so much more. My client really cares about Aurora and as you can see, they both haven't left each other's arms voluntarily. Aurora wants to stay with Taylor and feels safe there. I would like to call Amy to the stand."

Amy confidently walks up, rolling her eyes.

"Amy, remember that you are under the oath, you must tell the truth. Is everything in that video the truth? Did you have the chance to raise your daughter but you chose to leave?"

After a minute, Amy mutters a "yes" right before her lawyer says "My client pleads the fifth."

"Only the client can say that and since she answered, it is too late. Continue."

"So when your lawyer said that you never had the chance to see her, your lawyer was lying, right?"

"I plead the fifth."

"Judge, she can't plead the fifth since it's not self incriminating."

"Correct, answer."

"Yes.." Amy mutters again.

"Thank you, that's all. Your honor, Amy walked away when she had the chance, she could have reached up at any moment but she chose not to. Taylor fought against her father and saved her. She belongs with Taylor. This evidence and the fact that the plaintiff's lawyer is lying should be enough to prove that Aurora belongs with Taylor. Taylor makes more than enough to support her and shows her much more love than Amy ever did, given that Amy had the chance to do it first. Thank you, your Honor."

Douglas steps back, shooting a small smirk at Amy's lawyer who looked scared. He turns over to Taylor and shoots her a comforting smile as he knew they had to win.

"I don't even need time to decide. Based on the statement that the plaintiff said about not having a moment to prove she cares about her daughter, and the defendant proving that wrong and proving that the defendant is a better lifestyle for Aurora, it is obvious that... the defendant gets custody. If either party has a problem with that, they may file another case with more evidence. But as of today, Taylor Swift had legal custody of Aurora. Thank you for your time today," the judge says, shooting Aurora a small smile before walking to the back.

"See, baby, I told you, my lawyer is amazing!" Taylor says, hugging Aurora.

With the family joining, as well as Tree and Douglas at the end, it turned into a big family hug. As they all stepped back, Amy came up, anger evident in her eyes.

"This is not over yet! I need that money that I get for her because he's at jail!" Amy screams, letting out her true intentions.

"And I recorded that, try doing anything and I'll release this evidence too," Tree threatens.

Amy's lawyer dragged her away before she embarrassed herself more than she just did. Amy left while screaming profanity, all being recorded by Tree in case of future use.

"My baby," Taylor said, as she kissed Aurora's forehead

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