thirteen. just close your eyes

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It had been about a week since Aurora had gone missing and the police searched day in and day out. Taylor sat there in her room, all alone, sobbing. Her friends and family would occasionally come and console her, but that would just end up with them being yelled at by Taylor and getting a door slammed in their face.

On the other hand, Aurora laid there, motionless, out of breath. She'd gotten used to what happened to her, believing Taylor wouldn't come back for her. Her health and body got worse each day, filled with horrible thoughts and new bruises.

"Taylor! They found her!" Andrea yelled from outside the room.

Taylor ran out the door to her mother, hoping she heard that right. Her mother gave her a warm smile while the police came over.

"We found her, she's in a small cabin in the woods about fifteen hours away. We have spies all over the area, looking at how we can get her. There are three men with weapons and we want to get her out safely. The operation might have 2 days or longer, but we'll get her back to you," the lead police officer says.

Another police officer ran in, out of breath, "One of them killed three of the spies, he knows they were on him, we have to think about another way. They're all heavily guarding the girl. We were ordered to push back the operation and rethink our plan."

"What! I thought you said she'll be back here safely in 2 days!" Before Taylor could go off, Andrea pulled her over, where all her friends were.

Taylor sits down by Selena, not talking to anyone, staring at her nails. She heard everyone trying to talk to her, but she couldn't respond.

"Let's give her some space, alright," a man says.

Taylor looks up to see Travis standing there, holding out his hand. Taylor grabs his arm as he walks her to an uncrowded seat, rocking her back and forth, and not bombaring her with questions. She really appreciated the quietness as that's just what she needed right now.

Before she could try to relax in his arms, she heard the mother yell, which was very uncommon. She rushes up from her seat, everyone following behind her.

"You can't bomb the place!" Andrea yells.

"Mom?" Taylor calls out from behind.

"Taylor, they want to bomb the cabin. Apparently with all the commotion of the bomb they'll get her out safely,"

"What if they don't get her out in time and she dies!"

"That's what I'm saying,"

"Ma'am, we're trained in this. we know what to do, I promise she'll be back safely," the police officer reassures.

"No, no, no!" Taylor yells, slamming her hand against the counter.

The police officer takes a step back due to her loud outburst.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but we need to get going. Any minute we waste, there's more of a risk for something to happen," he says, taking off.

Before Taylor could argue back, Travis held her hand and walked her back to the couch they were previously on.

"Taylor, they've done this many times, trust them. She'll be back here safely, just try to get some rest. I got you some food, you haven't eaten in a while," Travis says gently, trying not to upset her more.

Too tired to protest, Taylor accepts the food Travis got her, and sits there quietly.

Aurora stumbled to the ground as one of the three men punched her again, hitting against another bruise, forming a new one on top. She screamed out in pain, causing him to puns her again, hitting the same spot. Just as he was about to grab her, there was a huge bomb sound. The man runs to the other two as they see another bomb flying their way. Leaving Aurora there, they run as fast as they can while shooting at the police officers who threw the bomb.

Not able to get up, Aurora closes her eyes, internally preparing for the pain. Just as the bomb went off, she felt herself being pulled out., tiny pieces of wood flying everywhere. After a couple seconds, she was set down on the ground, with a bunch of police officers surrounding her. Overwhelmed by the crowd, she tucked her head into her knees as she shook back and forth.

"Back away!" one of the female officers yelled.

Once everyone was out of her sight, the female officers, Joanne, walked up to her and sat down right next to her.

"Hey there, buddy. We've been looking for you for days. Taylor, the person you lived with, was really worried about you. Would you like to go back?" she asks, rubbing the girl's back, gently.

Aurora's eyes widened at the fact that Taylor still cared for her, slowly nodding her head. The woman carefully picked her up, wrapping her in many blankets and taking her to the car. Aurora only had on shorts and a ripped up t-shirt, so the blankets really helped her to stop shivering.

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