Ease PART22

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  —Where are they?! —Zayden asked agitatedly as he shook Zoro's shoulders.

  —What, Killer, what? —Zayden looked at him.
  —They've got him, son.

  —What?! —his eyes widened. —They found him?!
  —They're heading back right this instant, you can relax, it's going to take a few minutes.
Zayden felt his heart beating rapidly again.
  —Is Key okay?
  —We'll see.
  —I swear to fucking god.

  —I don't know! Just have some faith will you? —he yelled back, lowering Zayden's arms down —Sahara and Ziera are our best trackers in the group, they'll probably-
  —We're here!

Zayden and Zoro turned around, seeing Ziera come in as she held the door open for Key to come in too.
  —Thank you, Z' —Key said, smiling at Ziera.

  —Kieran —he murmured, his eyes widened, his pupils dilated.

  —No problem, rabbit-man —she stepped inside, looking at Zayden as she walked towards him—Zay! Look who-

Zayden sprinted pass her, avoiding her.


He pounced onto Kieran, wrapping his arms around him as his whole body covered him whilst he held onto Key. His hand gripping onto his clothes, the other sliding from his shoulder up to the back of his head, holding it while his hair clasped between his fingers. Making sure nothing stood in between them as he'd pull him in by the waist.

 Making sure nothing stood in between them as he'd pull him in by the waist

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  —Zayden! —Key squealed, nervous.
  —. . .what —Ziera expressed.
Her eyes wide open, Zoro's jaw fallen down as they both looked at Zayden in shock as he hugged the poor bunny, it almost looked like he was eating him.

  —Zayden, you can't- —his whisper got cut short.
  —I don't care —he blurted out. His voice soft and harsh, the grip tightening a bit as he spoke. —I was so worried something happened to you, and that I wasn't there to protect you.

Kieran's eye slightly widened, noticing the change in his tone.

  —Zayden, stop, what are you doing?! —Zoro yelled, walking towards him.
  —Guys, what's happening? —Sahara walked inside, her voice fading off in shock as he saw the two... hugging. —Zay, what the FUCK are you doing to the guy?!
Sahara approached, her hand extended towards Key's hand who was hanging off mid-air.

  —Don't —he growled, his pupils slit as his attention suddenly shifted to Sahara. —Don't touch him.

Kieran, still frozen, heard everything. He knew everyone was watching, he knew nothing could be hidden anymore,
he knew he didn't have to hold back anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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