Bright Turn 2: Transfer Student Part 2

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"Did you remember to bring your deck and your duel disk?"

I looked through my bag, not really knowing what to grab for. I knew what a deck would probably look like but the only duel disks I know were the really bulky ones from GX and kinda sleek ones from the original series, so I'm curious on what it looks like.

I see Marcus pull out what looks to be a tablet the size of his forearm. Knowing what to look for, I look through my backpack again and pull something similar. It was (Y/C) and more slicker than I thought it would be with a screen and two slots faced in the opposite directions.

Putting the device on my arm, Marcus speaks up. "Um, (Y/N)? You put it on wrong."

Looking at his duel disk and then mine, I spin it around. "Oops sorry, sleep is really getting to me."

Marcus waves it off and puts his deck into his duel disk. "It's fine, ready?"

"Ready." I then do the same and position myself across from him.



Marcus : 8000 Life Points

(Y/N) : 8000 Life Points

"Alright, I'll take the first move!" Marcus says before grabbing a card from his left hand and holding it out towards (Y/N). "I activate the continuous spell Black Whirlwind!"

(Y/N) looked at this in confusion. 'Wait, I thought players only had 4000 life points? And why didn't he draw another card?'

"Next I'll summon Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame in attack mode!" Placing a card on the blade of the duel disk, a bigger version of the card appears and a humanoid bird with a blue head pops out.

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame - ⍟4 - 1800 / 1200

'Wow! A real life monster summon!' (Y/N) thought, looking at the monster in wonder.

"This then activates my Black Whirlwind, which lets me add another Blackwing monster to my hand that has less attack than Shura's 1900 attack." A card sticks out of the deck and he grabs it.

"I'll grab Bora the Spear and then immediately special summon it in attack mode using its effect." Placing the new monster on the blade of the duel disk, another humanoid bird appears, wielding a lance about its size.

Blackwing - Bora the Spear - ⍟4 - 1700 / 800

"I'll end my turn."

'Alright, let's do this.' (Y/N) takes a deep breath and exhales. "It's my turn, I draw!"

"I'll start off by summoning Elemental Hero Sparkman." As (Y/N) places a card onto the duel disk, a man in blue and yellow armor with electricity surrounding them appears.

Elemental Hero Sparkman - ⍟4 - 1600/1400

"Then I'll equip Sparkman with the spell Spark Blaster." A strange firearm appears in front of Sparkman, wiring to his arm as he grabs it. "It lets me change the position of any monster on the field and I think I'll use it on your Bora, switching it to defense mode!"

A quick zap from Sparkman's blaster and the avian spear-user is put in a defensive stance.

(Y/N) then holds out a spell card. "But that's not all, I activate H - Heated Heart which gives a monster on my field 500 attack and the ability to deal piercing damage until the end of the turn."

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