13 - Run grounder run

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A/n: trigger warning kidnapping - shay 🍄

Writers pov

Once Clarke arrives back to Arkadia she quickly walks inside away from everyone without uttering a single word. The blue eyed girl makes her way to the bathroom and starts viciously trying to scrub Finn blood off her hands, while sobbing.

Clarke only looks up when she hears the door creak and her mother comes through the door, with makes her sobbing intensify as Abby wraps Clarke in a tight hug. "I tried to be the good guy" Clarke mumbles into her mother's shoulder, "maybe there are no good guys" Abby replies back holding Clarke at arms length so she can look into her daughters eyes before pulling Clarke back into her motherly embrace.

Back at the grounders make shift camp, Eden is left feeling confused and shocked, Lexa informs her that they will be heading back to polis in he morning now that Finn is dead, and in a few days time, they will discuss the sky people and grounders peace treaty as well as taking down mount weather.

The grounder barely slept that night with too many thoughts racing inside her head, so she decides to get up early and pay Clarke a visit to check how she's going.

At the crack of dawn, Edenia woke up and decided to take some guards with her for protection. She lied to them, saying it was fine with Lexa, knowing they couldn't verify it because Lexa was still asleep. No one would dare wake their commander.

The guards escort Edenia into Arkadia making the sky people guards weary of why they are here "Abby!" Edenia calls out spotting Clarke mother "Hainofi" (princess) Abby exclaims confused as to why the grounder is here "I must talk to Clarke, have you seen her" the grounder princess asks eagerly. "Yes follow me" Abby says nicely leading Eden towards Clarke room.

Edenia signals for her guards to stay behind however, explaining that she would be safe. When they arrive at Clarke's room Abby says that she will leave them to it and walks away leaving the brown eyed girl alone to knock on Clarke's door.

"Clarke?" Eden call's out knocking on the door waiting for an answer. Slowly, the door creaks open and there emerges a tired puffy eyed looking Clarke "Oh clarke" Edenia says sadly, hating to see the blonde eyed beauty upset and pulls her into her arms which makes Clarke quickly shoves her off confusing the grounder girl.

"I don't want to talk to you" Clarke mutters quietly, not meeting Edenia's eyes "Clarke what-" the grounder girl tries to grab Clarke's hands to console her but Clarke just simply takes another step back "I can't Edenia it's-....it's to soon"

It suddenly dawns on Eden why Clarke is being so weird, she misses Finn and doesnt want anything to do with her
"I see" the hurt grounder exclaims coldly "do you blame me for his death Clarke's?" Edenia says with a dangerously sharp tone "no I-" Clarke sighs

"I know what he did wrong okay! I just- you could have helped me stop it! Given him a different punishment that didn't involve death!" Clarke rants starting to pace around the small room "blood must have blood Clarke, you know this"

"Oh dont even come at me with that blood must have blood bullshit!" The blonde girl walks up to Edenia while the grounder girl is just standing in the room with a monotone look on her face "it is not what you call 'bullshit' Clarke it is our way" Edenia grits out.

"Just- just get out" Clarke announced sadly as she sits down on her bed rubbing her face stressfully. Eden simply nods at Clarke's statement and walks out of the room trying to keep her tears and feelings at bay.

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