Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three

After we refreshed ourselves and had some food, Eric told me that his mother had called earlier and told us that she and Grace, as well as another person would be arriving later, I nodded my head in acknowledgement and thanked him. My mind was whirling with the aftermath the dream caused and I went into my room to retrieve the box that could be one of the clues and brought it down stairs, placed it along side the mirror, sat down and inspect the items.

I remembered the day when my mum handed me the box after the funeral, the sad news about my distant aunt whom I had little recollection and who was also my father's older cousin. But by the time prior to her death, deep down we all knew she wouldn't last long as she was in and out of the hospital suffering from dementia and her condition was fast deteriorating.

"Mia, she left last night." Was all my mum said.

That was when the idea hit me. I stood up and went back up stairs to my parents old room and started rummaging through the chest of drawers where they used to keep all the documents. I took every single letters I could find, laid them on the floor and began to look through one by one, checking the ones that's related to the matter at hand. It was a painstakingly long process and also brought back memories of them, making me feel sad as tears began to form but I was determined to find out now that the idea implanted in my head. I wiped them away with the back of my hand.

"What are you doing?" Derek poked his head through the door and asked.

"I'm trying to find out if what he said is true." I replied without looking up.

"You mean the reincarnation thing? How are you going to do it?" He walked in and asked again.

"Well, I was thinking if I can gather all the names from both side of my family, then hopefully I can either contact them or search on-line to trace my ancestors since the person who gave me the box was a distant relative and passed away long ago; I'm going to try and see if I can find anything from it first."

"Need any help?" He nodded his head and offered while Eric showed up behind him.

"That would be great, thanks."

They both walked further into the room to stand next to me.

"So just go through names?"

"Yeah, I've already written down those I know but I just wanted to make sure that I hadn't missed any."

"Alright, let's do it."

He squatted down and took one from the pile, opened it then started checking for names while Eric stood by and watch.

"Can you remember anyone else in your family who you can ask?" Eric asked after watching for awhile.

"Not really. There's always been very few of us for some reason."

"I remember your mum once said something about her also being an only child or something like that?" Derek reminded.

"Yeah, her side of the family had been a one child family for the last two generations that's why it's going to be hard since it's almost like a dead end; particularly when both side of my grandparents are gone."

"So what have you got so far?"

"Not many, I'm afraid." I answered Eric with a weak smile.

"Very well, I'll just have to make do for the time being and check the ones I have now." I announced after the small pile of letters was finished. Seeing the eagerness on my face, they left me alone to find their own amusement.

I then returned to my room to started up my computer. Once it's ready, I typed in the website then the relevant details, soon a list of matching names came up. I kept on clicking and searching until I found what I believed to be my record, then carried on skimming through in wonderment for the next hour or so, until suddenly, I saw the name Luana at the end of a paragraph.

"The illegitimate child was later admitted by the family and the father's name appeared on the death certificate after the funeral."

"Guys, I found something!" I shouted. Eyes glued to the screen.

They rushed to my side as soon as they heard my shout, I pointed my shaky finger to the monitor. Without another word, they turned their gaze towards it.

"I found this based on my family." I added with an unsteady voice, feeling the blood drained from my face.

"What the hell, Mia." Derek exclaimed. Eyes wide.

"So the surname Grimmett originated from Luana's half-blood sibling? You're the descendant of Luana's father?" Eric said, equally as stunned.

"According to this, he already had a boy with his wife before Luana, and I'm linked to the boy. I honestly hope this is false, but looking at it... As far as I'm concerned, the rest of the relations are pretty accurate regarding the birth and death certificates - including my aunt's name, the one who gave me the box." I took a deep breath.

Just then the door bell rang. I went to the windows to check and after seeing Martha and Grace as well as another woman, I told the men, "It's Martha. They've arrived."

Eric left the room to let them in as I quickly went back to the computer to save the page and went downstairs with Derek. The moment I got to the bottom where they were standing, I sensed a change of emotions between them, I was confused, but upon seeing me, Grace introduced her to us:

"Mia, this is my friend Sia, she is the head of our meditation group I mentioned and also the granddaughter of Marnie, daughter of Saira."

I turned my attention to the medium sized woman, who looked to be in her early forties with honey coloured skin and jet black hair. A pair of astute brown eyes on a friendly face. She sent me a warm smile as she stretched her hand out which I took immediately to shake then I led them to the living room. I noticed Sia surveyed the area very carefully, then said to me: "I hope you don't mind me being blunt, but there's definitely presence around, I can feel it. But there is a possibility that not just one but two." The woman scanned the place and informed me in a low voice.

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