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Guys guys, I am hosting a contest where YOUR object OC can join MY Object (Book) Show!!

Some random dude: But....But Asher! What the hell is the title of that Object (book) Show your making?!??

.....Oh yeah i think i never told yall.....It's called

Life for Prize!

An object show hosted by Candles Older Brother (i'm not telling his name yet) and the contestants will be His friends (not everyone is his friend😭) but wait, I posted smth that There are recovery centres...

And ye, There ARE recovery centres but it can only be bought by the R I C H E S T of the Rich, like back then when BFDI and BFDIA had a budget (ik BFDIA still has a budget shush) and they could afford recovery centres (yes most object shows are canon in this)
But if BFB and TPOT are canon in LfP then....then....W-what are the algebralians?! (Idk how to spell it)

Well uhhh....They do exist yes, But diffrent versions of them also exist and yes they are from another universe greater than ours but we learned to accept them/it overtime and YES we can visit their realm.

And when i said other versions i'm talking about letters (like Kratcy and Yoshka) Symbols (i'd say YinYang is a symbol tbh)


Candles brother wanted to celebrate his 1 year anniversary of his old object show Animation for Competition and so he wanted to make another object show with his friends but there were too less of contestants so they had to group more until they had 21, The first "challenge" is the BFDI balance beam and uhh yeah last 3 standing is team leaders.

I'm not telling yall how eliminations will be but basically Contestant Vote.

I have already planned out the story and made 3 seasons in advance but i havent actually planned out how episode 0 will go (episode 0 is basically the introduction to the whole thing)

I hope you guys will actually read it because it is my passion project! It's taking a bit more time for me to actually make the animated version but that version will be on hold for now.

(Also the start will take place in christmas)


Oh yeah....uhhh

You can submit ONE of your object show OC's to join LfP, Please write out their Personality, Name (yes as in human name) age and job. Write a short summary of their whole character in their description and make sure to write what they fear!! (Their phobias....Yes if you want your character can be homophobic or transphobic if your THAT EXTREMELY evil. Just know it doesnt raise the chance of it actually grtting into the show.)

Also yes if you want diversion i have disabled characters in the show....But you can critique me if i get something wrong.

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