From Foes to Flames-part 7

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Chapter 7


I could literally kill anyone who gets in my way right now. There's a rage boiling in my stomach like nothing else I've ever felt before. The school is a twenty-minute walk from here and her house is as further ten so it should only take about forty minutes till, I can get back home and back to Adeline. I've locked Adeline in the house and as bad as it sounds it's for her safety. If she leaves, she will have nowhere to go and she could get hurt, again.

After a thirty-minute walk I'm finally outside her house, she doesn't know that I know where she lives but hopefully, I haven't creeped her out because she has probably figured that out by now. I walk around the alley way till I'm at her car, I look around the outside of her busted up little Toyota. I open the door and I was expecting to see her belongings lying around everywhere. There was a rolled-up blanket and a pillow sitting on one of the back seats and a few small bags sitting on the passenger seat. I opened the zipper on one and found some of her old clothes along with a hairbrush, toothbrush, and toothpaste. An instant wave of guilt washed over me; how long has she been sleeping here? Has anyone broken in and hurt her? I checked to see how much fuel she had, and it was pretty low, does she even have money to pay for fuel? I started the car with much difficulty and headed to the gas station, I filled it to the brim, so she doesn't need to stress too much for a little while.

By the time I got home it was almost nine pm and I just guessed that she would be in front of the tv or keeping busy. I guessed wrong. When I opened the door, and the house was dead silent I panicked. I walked around the bottom level of the house looking for her, but all the lights were off, and my footsteps were the only thing I could hear. I ran up the stairs and everything was too quiet.

"Adeline" I called out, there was no response, and I was freaking out "Adeline". I opened the bathroom, and it was completely empty. I walked cautiously towards my bedroom door where I ad last seen her dreading that something had happened. I opened the door slowly and flicked on the light expecting something horrible. It was horrible, she looked pale and almost dead. Her cut had a bit of blood coming out and she had the blanket kicked off. The sleeve on the giant T-shirt I had given her was pushed up a bit and I could see a small scar. I walked over carefully and pulled the sleeve up to her shoulder; this was not a small scar. There was a large scar that's looked like it had been from a knife that went from the top quarter of her arm all the way up to her shoulder and I couldn't see the end. "Oh god Adeline" I sighed, worried about how this happened. She groaned and rolled over at the disturbance of her sleep.

"No mum" she groaned quietly as she squirmed. I gasped and rolled back over to face me. She finally woke up and panicked when she realised, she wasn't in her car. Her breathing picked up and she sat up to check her surroundings. "God, you scared me" she finally said when she realised, I was there, she closed her eyes for a moment to slow down her breathing before her stomach grumbled.

"Have you had dinner yet?" I asked, she shook her head slowly and her stomach made another appearance "come one, what do you want? I'll order something".

"Your pick" she replied back after thinking for a moment. She pushed herself off the bed and reached her hand for her head as she squeezed her eyes shut "got any ibeprofen?" I nodded when she opened her eyes again. She put her hand against the wall to steady herself before heading towards the bathroom.

I'm sitting on the lounge watching tv when she comes downstairs "know your way around my house already?" I asked sarcastically.

"Had some time when you left to steal my car" she replied back with a grin on her face. God she was so pretty, she had just the right number of freckles and the way her lips curled up when she grinned was just so perfect. How were boys not chasing her around like dogs? Oh, wait the dog already did chase her I thought to myself and laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" She asked me still grinning as she made her way to the lounge.

"Nothing" I replied with a grin.

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