The Isle of Dragons and The Land of Giants VIII

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Knox entered the sleeping quarters just before dawn and he was dead tired, unlike his men who seemed to already be adjusting to the Dragons' routine.

The Golds and Dragons were joking around as they got ready for the day.

"Knox," Jordan, one of his best military leaders and also the previous owner of the watch on his wrist, called out to him on his way over to his bed. "Where were you? You were gone when we got up."

"I couldn't sleep, so I went to the library and studied a bit," he tells the shorter man as he takes a seat on his bunk. "Only got tired once the sun began to rise."

Knox chuckles.

"Good to see not much has changed then," the man jokes. "It seemed like every time I got up at night, you were always sitting under the stars with a book in your hand. Do you even sleep?"

At that moment, a large yawn rips through Knox. The men stay silent for a moment before they both burst out in laughter. "Apparently I will now, whether I like it or not."

"Well, if you'd like to join us, we'll be training." The younger man says looking Knox up and down. "Though it looks like, you need some sleep."

"What about breakfast?" Knox asks after another yawn.

"We'll be back for breakfast," he says. Someone calls out to Jordan. "Better get going."

Knox gives him a lazy wave before falling back onto the bed and promptly passing out.


"Knoxie," a young girl called while tugging on his arm. "I have to show you something!"

He'd opened his eyes slightly but quickly closed them again at the bright afternoon light streaming in through the window.

"Katie, don't you think we should let him rest?" It sounded like Liliana, but why would she be here with Katie? It must be some strange dream. "He was up late last night studying, like you should be doing right now."

It was her. He tries again to open his eyes and look around. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust. Once they do, he sees Liliana at the entryway to the room and Katie at his side, all wide eyes.

"Liliana? Katie? What's going on?" He asks groggy, his voice deep and gravely from sleep.

"Knoxie you have to come see this," she pulls on his hand roughly. "Knoxie hurry!" She wines.

"Okay, okay." He sits up and puts on his shirt before pulling on his boots.

"Okay, where are we going is such a hurry?" He asks.

"Knoxie, Queen dragon lady showed me this pretty garden that has roses, real roses!" The little girl drags Knox by the hand. He has to crouch to hold her hand. While said queen just chuckles and follows behind them, hands clasped gently behind her.

It was a beautiful garden indeed. Filled with all colors of roses. From yellow, orange, pink and white to the deepest of reds. They were covered in frost, yet didn't seem to wilt.

He watched as Katie ran around the garden, the thick wool dress she wore, now covered in snow.

"The flowers were infused with magic. That's why they never wilt from the cold." Liliana explains as she takes a step beside him.

"They are beautiful," he says, "much like yourself."

He looks down at her and notices a blush on her cheeks. He smiles.

"What are you doing here with Katie, anyway?"

"A woman came to me named Lily. She told me that Katie was struggling to fit in with to dragons. That she was scared, so I asked if I could watch her for the day."

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