Chapter 3

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"Hey there kitten," one of the girls dressed up in a cat costume spoke. I looked at her and hidden behind Snipe's leg. "He's scared we are trying to find his mom as far as I know she's got red hair," Snipe spoke up. "Oh that's very sad kitten," a female with brown hair and dressed in pink spoke.

"Mandalay do you think you and your team could take Y/n until we get the where abouts of his mother," Snipe said looking at the cat people. "Of course we will!" The male said in excitement. "We could teach him everything we know and if he has powers when he's old enough we'll take him to UA," a girl with yellow hair dressed in blue said.

I blinked in surprise, my eyes widening at the sudden offer. I glanced up at Snipe, seeking reassurance and guidance.

Snipe knelt down beside me, a reassuring smile on his face. "Y/n, these heroes, Mandalay and her team, they're really good at what they do. They can take care of you and help you find your mom, okay I have to go somewhere with gunhead?"

I hesitated for a moment, my heart torn between the desire to be with my mother and the uncertainty of the unknown. But there was hope in Snipe's eyes, and trust began to blossom.

"Okay," I finally whispered, my voice filled with determination. "I'll go with them."

Mandalay and her team, seeing my acceptance, shared looks of relief. They approached me with care, their costumes no longer a threat but a symbol of protection.

"Welcome to our team, Y/n," Mandalay said, kneeling down to my eye level. "We promise to do everything we can to find your mom and keep you safe."

I nodded, a small smile tugging at my lips. "I'm Mandalay, the male is Tiger, the one in blue is Pixie-Bob, the other girl is Ragdoll," the girl with brown hair spoke.

(Just so you know y/n is 8 and the wild wild cats are in their 20s)

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