Chapter 7

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As the weapon clattered to the ground, I could feel the tension in the air. The girl's smile widened, revealing a glint of excitement in her eyes. She seemed to be enjoying the challenge I presented.

Without wasting any more time, I lunged forward, my instincts taking over. I aimed a swift punch towards her face, but she effortlessly dodged it, her movements fluid and graceful. She retaliated with a kick, which I narrowly avoided by jumping back.

We circled each other, both assessing the other's strengths and weaknesses. It was clear that she was skilled, her movements precise and calculated. But I refused to back down. I had to protect myself and prove that I was not an easy target.

We exchanged blows, each strike landing with precision. The sound of our fists colliding echoed through the air, creating a rhythm of its own. Despite her agility, I managed to land a few hits, leaving her with a cut on her cheek and a bruise forming on her arm.

The fight continued, the intensity growing with each passing moment. Sweat dripped down my forehead, my muscles aching from the exertion. But I pushed through, fueled by determination and the will to survive.

As the fight wore on, I noticed a change in the girl's expression. Her smile had faded, replaced by a look of frustration. It seemed that she had underestimated me, expecting an easy victory. But I refused to let her win.

With a burst of energy, I launched a final attack, catching her off guard. My fist connected with her jaw, sending her sprawling to the ground. She lay there, momentarily stunned, as I stood over her, panting heavily.

"You're not so tough after all," I said, my voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. "Don't underestimate me."

Tiger, who is still on the ground seemed to be knocked out.

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