Letters for Toys

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Third Person P.O.V

The next morning...

The rooster in Jesper's post office caws, the hens inside clucking. Jesper had boarded up his office after dropping (Y/N) off at the school, and he was currently muttering in his sleep as he leaned against his weapon, a makeshift broom with a knife on it.

A knock makes Jesper shriek and jerk awake, "Ah! He's here to finish the job!"

He swings his weapon around before hiding under his cover, holding the pot on his head down.

"Mr. Postman?" a little girl calls, Jesper slowly raising the pot. "Are you in there?"

Jesper opens the top half of his door slightly, peeking at the children. "Go away! Go! Leave! He'll hear you!"

He slams the door shut again, the little girl waving an envelope. "We'd like to send these letters!"

Objects clatter as Jesper removes the boards and other things barricading his door before he opens it, peeking out fully.

"What? What did you just say?" he questions, blinking rapidly.

"Our cousin told us if we write a letter to Mr. Klaus, he'll make us a toy!" she replies with a toothy grin. "He also said to bring you a penny each."

The three little girls offer their letters as Jesper looks at them with wide eyes, an idea sprouting in his mind.

"It's not a letter if it doesn't have postage, right?"


Jesper smirks as he looks up at the empty wall, rolling up his white sleeves as he holds a piece of chalk. He tosses his hat on the table nearby, and starts drawing long, thin lines.


A little girl saws at the ice as the same old man from before sleeps, she kicks away the floating ice away with a smirk, her and her friends jumping as Jesper calls to them.

"Psst. Hey, hey you!"

"Hmm?" they turn to him as he leans against a post, glancing around.

"You want a toy?"

The children raise their brows, the old man still snoring as he floats away.


Jesper continues working on his scale drawing.


Children scribble drawings on a fence with smirks, pausing as Jesper speaks.

"Hey! Would you, uh... Like a brand new toy?" he smirks.


Jesper draws a few envelops, the scene changing to Jesper talking to the same unblinking, creepy children from before.

"Just write a letter to Mr. Klaus."


Children meet up with Jesper in a secret spot, (Y/N) jumping as a few race past her. She looks over in confusion, Jesper jumping and swiftly shutting the door as she raises a brow before continuing on.

"And you put it in the envelope," Jesper continues, demonstrating in the secret hideout. "Write your name, and bring a penny. Can't forget the penny."

He flicks a penny in the air, the scene changing to him continuing to draw the scale before setting down a stack of paper and a cup of pencils.

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