Delivering Toys

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Okay but I love Márgu so much 😭 she's such a little sweetie

Oh, I found a really rough translation of what Márgu is saying, so I'm going to write what she is saying in English "like this"

If it's wrong, please let me know!


Third Person P.O.V

Back in Smeerensburg...

The little Krum boy's toy frog croaks, hopping in a circle and doing a little flip before bouncing away from the boy as he laughs and chases it.

He exclaims happily with fits of giggles as he chases it around his yard, nearing the fence that seperates their house and an Ellingboe's house with a hole in it.

The boy laughs, almost catching it as the frog hops to the hole, stopping in front of someone.

A little Ellingboe girl with curly red hair picks it up, admiring it with a smile before looking up at the boy with a gasp.

He gasps as well, the two staring at one another with wide eyes for a moment.


The boy's father cleans his shotgun, one of his hounds gnawing on a bone and the other sleeping.

The sound of children laughing makes him pause, his hounds whining at the unfamiliar noise.


The Ellingboe girl and the Krum boy laugh together as they chase the frog, the boy stumbling for a moment as the girl chases it into her yard.

The frog bounces back to the boy, making him stumble backwards as it flies through the air. "Whoa!"

He catches it with a laugh, "whoo!" before bumping into something.

He looks back with a soft gasp before grinning at his dad with a giggle. His father gasps, shaking in horror before jumping as a woman gasps.

The Ellingboe's mother swiftly scoops her daughter up, shuddering in horror while the father grabs his son.


That night...

"Playing!" the father shouts in horror, facing the Krum council. "Playing, I tell you!"

He grips his hat tightly, gulping. "With an Ellingboe!"

The council gasps, exclaiming in protest and concern while Mrs. Krum stares down at the boy.

The boy looks between them nervously with a frown, Mrs. Krum slapping Olaf's hand away from the toy frog on her table.

"I turned away for one second..." the father continues.


The scene moves to the bell in town before moving to the Ellingboe's.

"... And then I saw it!" the mother cries out. "I brought her as soon as I could, sir."

The council members mutter in disgust and protests, Mr. Ellingboe rubbing his chin.

"This is bad. Very bad. Worst I've ever seen, really," he mutters, shaking his head. "What were you thinking, kid? Don't you know that--"


"-- Krums and Ellingboes don't mix," Mrs. Krum finishes, clasping her hands together.

"But... Why?" the boy softly questions in sadness.

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