What Do We Need? Thrust!

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I don't own this meme! 

Mr. Tweedy POV 

A new shipment was brought to the barn and after the shipment was sent off, I waved to the delivery man. 

"Cheers, mate!" I shouted. 

I look at the chickens and see binoculars and then hid them behind their backs, whistling. 

"It's all in your head. It's all in your head. It's all in your head." I repeated to myself. 

I look at Mrs. Tweedy with confusion. 

"Ooh! What... What... What's all this then?" I asked. 

"This is our future, Mr. Tweedy. No more wasting time with petty egg collection and minuscule profits." Mrs. Tweedy said. 

"No more eggs? But we've always been egg farmers. Me father and his father and all their fathers. They was always..." I said, shocked, before being cut off. 

"Poor! Worthless. Nothings. But all that's about to change. This will take Tweedy's farm out of the dark ages... and into full-scale automated production. Melisha Tweedy will be poor no longer. Ooh! I'll put it together then, shall I?" I said, as Mrs. Tweedy left. 


"This isn't good, Mac. Whatever's in those boxes is for us, and I don't think it's softer hay." I stated, getting worried. 

"Aye, hen. And I hate to be the voice of doom, but I've been calculating my figures, and I just don't think we're built for flyin'." Mac stated, sounding down. 

"But I saw him. He flew in over that fence." I said. 

"Aye, aye, I believe you, but if we could just see it for ourselves, that may answer some questions." Mac said. 

"You're right. I'm sorry. We've been at this all week, and we're getting nowhere. If his wing were better, he could... Oh! I'll have a word with him." I said, walking to Fowler's hut. 

When I got inside, Rocky was gone, so I looked at Fowler who was sitting at his desk, his back to me. 

"Where is he?" I asked. 

"They didn't give me this medal for being a Yank nanny." Fowler said. 

"A simple "I don't know" would suffice." I said, crossing my wings over my chest. 

"Beware of that one, young Ginger. That Yank is not to be trusted." Fowler stated in a warning tone. 

"That Yank is our ticket out of here." I said, leaving the hut and going to find Rocky. 

Rocky POV

"And the pig says to the horse, "Hey, fella, why the long face?" " I said, telling a joke. 

Everyone started laughing. 

"Oh, Oh, look, look." I said, taking one of my tail feathers and put in my drink. 

"Cocktail!" I shouted and everyone started laughing as I started drinking. 

"Give over!" Bunty said, smacking me in the back, making me spit out the drink in my mouth.

Then Y/n gets through the crowd with some of my drink on her face, looking at me sternly. 

" So, um, anyway... Remember those flying tips tomorrow. They're very important. Keep thinking those flighty thoughts. Oh, yeah. They're swell chicks. They really are. Look at what Babs made me. A beak warmer. Isn't that the cutest? And that Bunty. She really packs a punch. Is there a problem here?" I asked, as Y/n just stared at me.

Chicken Run: Rocky x Chicken ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now