Flip! Flop! Fly!

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I don't own this picture!


I'm sitting on the rooftop of hut, when I hear these weird sounds so I decide to investigate. 

I go inside and I see two chickens moving a bunk and Nick and Fetcher with Rocky and a radio of some sort. 

"What's all this?" I asked. 

Rocky POV 

"Well, here she is. Ask and you shall receive." Nick said. 

"That's biblical." Fetcher stated. 

"That's real craftsmanship is what it is. Solid as a rock." Nick said. 

Fetcher knocked on the radio and a piece flew off and hit someone. 

"Ooh! It's supposed to do that." Fetcher stated. 

"It's perfect, guys." I stated. 

"And how's that egg coming?" Nick asked. 

"This is a double yolker." I stated and Fetcher licked his lips in hunger. 


"I don't see what this has to do with..." I said, confused before Rocky cut me off. 

"You will. We've been workin' too hard. Time to kick back a bit, shake those tail feathers." Rocky said as he started dancing. 

"Look at him. Nellypodging around like a... Oh, good heavens. What's happenin'?" Bunty said, then noticed she was moving to the beat. 

"That's called a beat, sister. Feel it pulsing through your body?" Rocky said. 

"Oh, yes. Pulsing. Fancy that." Bunty said. 

"Hey, well, then go with it, baby." Rocky stated.

" Oh, my. Look! I'm going with it!" Bunty exclaimed. 

"Bunty, what's got into you?" Babs asked. 

"Same thing that's got into you apparently." Bunty stated. 

Bunty and Babs started dancing in sync and then everyone started dancing. 

After a few minutes, Babs...flew and Rocky's wing was better! 

"Oh! Your wing. It's better." I exclaimed. 

"Well... How about that?" Rocky said. 

"Fantastic. You can fly for us tomorrow." I stated. 

"Uh, uh, yeah, so it seems." Rocky said, nervously.  

"Looks like I owe you an apology. I didn't think you cared about us, but after all this... Well, it seems I was wrong." I apologized. 

"Hey, easy, Miss Hard-boiled. I might think you're turning soft. Uh, listen, there's something I got to tell ya." Rocky said. 

Then the ground started shaking and the lanterns went out and the music stopped. 

Rocky was about to go check it out but I stopped him by grabbing his wing.

"No. You'd better wait here." I stated, leaving the hut to find out what happened. 




Sorry guys that's it for today!

I know you're probably thinking 'How could you leave us on a cliffhanger?' 

Believe me, I don't like anymore than you do! 

I wonder what is going happen next? 

If you watched the movie, don't spoil it, keep you ideas and inferences to yourselves. 




Enough about that,

I hope you all have a great Christmas, I will updating on the 26th. 

Stay warm and stay tuned and I would love to hear some suggestions from you guys about my next fanfiction should be! 

Let me know! 

Have a Merry Christmas, my beautiful/handsome readers and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I understand, it's not for everyone. 

I love you my readers! ❤️❤️🎄❄️❄️❄️🥳😍😍❤️ 

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