Chicken Pie Machine

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Mr. Tweedy POV

"Ooh, that's champion, that is. What is it?" I asked. 

"It's a pie machine, you idiot. Chickens go in, pies come out." Mrs. Tweedy stated. 

"Ooh! What kind of pies?" I asked. 

"Apple." Mrs. Tweedy stated sarcastically. 

"My favorite!" I exclaimed. 

"Chicken pies, you great lummox! Imagine it. In less than a fortnight, every grocers' in the county... will be stocked with box upon box... of Mrs. Tweedy's Homemade Chicken Pies." I stated. 

"Just Missus?" I said, confused. 

"Woman's touch. Makes the public feel more comfortable." Mrs. Tweedy stated. 

"Oh, right. How does it work? I asked. 

"Get me a chicken and I'll show you." Mrs. Tweedy stated. 

"I know just the one." I said, smirking. 


I was looking out of the fence when I was suddenly grabbed by my throat and lifted off the ground by a farmer. 

"I've got a score to settle with you." He sneered at me as he carried me away. 

Rocky POV

"Bloomin' heck! They've got Ginger! We mustn't panic. We mustn't panic!" I hear Mac ramble. 

"Quiet there! Quiet, I say! Let's have some discipline, what, what. The enemy has taken a prisoner. This calls for retaliation!" I hear Grandpa exclaim. 

"What's going on? What's happening?" I asked. 

"They got Ginger, Mr. Rhodes. They're taking her to the chop!" Babs exclaimed. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, laddie? Fly over there. Save her!" Bunty shouted. 

"Of course... No, no! No, that's just what they'd expect. But I say we give them the old element of surprise. And catch Jerry with his trousers down." I stated. 

"I like the sound of that. What's the plan?" Bunty asked. 

"The plan... The plan. The plan... Uh, Babs! Give me that thing. Bunty, give me a boost. Whoa. Look at the size of that thing. Oh, no!" I get out of the fence and I see this huge machine and Y/n being clamped by her ankles to the machine. 

"Chickens go in, pies come out. Chicken pies. Not... Not apple pies. Chicken!" I hear a creepy looking farmer say as he clamps Y/n to the machine and leaves with a woman, whom I guess is his wife, but not before turning on the machine. 

"Oh, great. Brilliant!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Yo, baby doll!" I shouted. 

"Rocky!" Y/n exclaimed. 

"I'm coming!" I shouted. 

"Hurry!" Y/n shouted. 

I ran but I couldn't get very far since the part I was running to get to Y/n was slick. 

"I'm still coming!" I shouted. 

"Come on! Stop this thing!" Y/n shouted. 

" I'm gettin' there! Oh, shoot!" I shouted as Y/n was dropped down a shoot.

Chicken Run: Rocky x Chicken ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now