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A/n: s/n= son's name    d/n= daughter's name


After we finally escaped the farmers, life has never been better, we were finally free and we weren't treated like just mere animals. 

Fowler was talking to the little chicks and telling them about how his R.A.F days. 

"Put your drumsticks into it! Put your drumsticks into it! That's what I told him, what, what. We were losing altitude, you see, and heading for a fearful prang." Fowler stated and the chicks were looking very amused. 

Bunty was pushing Babs on a swing we made. 

"This is a lovely holiday. I'll be sad to go back." Babs said and Bunty just rolled her eyes. 

Mac was showing some other chicks some of her inventions like the catapult, using one of the chicks as an example. 

"Safety at all times is imperative. Now, wind 'er up and... Let 'er go!" Mac said as she showed the little ones the catapult and the little one was in the demonstration had a little screw top hat on for protection. 

"Whee!" I hear the little chick exclaim. 

I was at the top of the small hill, looking down at how happy everyone is and then I hear Rocky behind me. 

"So... is it as good as you imagined?" Rocky asked me. 

"No. It's better. Come on. I'll show you how to play cricket." I said, walking down the hill, hugging Rocky at the same time.(in the picture)

Nick POV

"Ey, 'ey, here's a thought. Why don't we get an egg and start our own chicken farm? That way we'll have all the eggs we could eat." I said. 

"Right. We'll need a chicken then." Fetcher said. 

"No. No, we'll need an egg. You have the egg first. That's where you get the chicken from." I said. 

"No, that's cobblers. If you don't have a chicken, where you gonna get an egg?" Fetcher asked. 

"From the chicken that comes from the egg." I stated. 

"Yeah, but you have to have an egg to have a chicken." Fetcher stated. 

"Yeah, but you gotta get the chicken first to get the egg, and then the egg... you get the chicken out. Hang on. Let's go over this again." I stated. 


Those knuckleheaded rats, always trying to take our eggs...



Oh and speaking of eggs, 



Me and Rocky decided to have a child together after 3 years of dating and 1 year of being married. 




The day our babies hatched, 

Yes! You heard me..babies! 

We had twins, a boy and a girl. Their names are s/n and d/n.  

 Our son looked like Rocky with brown eyes and cheeky smile, but he had my f/c feathers and my curiosity of what's out there in the world. 

Our daughter took mostly after me with my e/c eyes and f/c feathers, but she had Rocky's cheeky smile and his swagger. 

"I couldn't be happier with my family: my friends, my son and my daughter." I stated. 

"Aww, come on, doll face! That's a little below the rooster belt don't you think?" Rocky complained and I just giggled. 

"And of course, my cheeky rooster, Rocky, the Rhode Island Red, Rhodes for short." I stated, quoting Rocky when we first met. 

"Okay, doll face, I think they get it." Rocky said. 

"The name is Y/n!" I stated, grabbing his beak. 

"Was your father by any chance a vulture?!" Rocky asked, playing along. 

"Mommy, daddy, please stop, you're making the epilogue too long, look at them. They're getting bored." S/n said. 

"Oh, well, I guess it's best to end it here and we can continue our bickering somewhere else and save you all the drama." I stated. 

"See you all later!" D/n shouted. 

"That's my girl." Rocky said with pride. 

"Say bye everyone!" I said. 

"Bye!" Everyone exclaimed. 




"Hold it, why are we chatting like this, what, what! Back in my R.A.F, we didn't waste our time with worthless chit chat!" Fowler exclaimed. 

"Easy Fowler, we were bickering again in front of them." I said. 

"Oh, well then, let's get back to work now!" Fowler said. 

"I guess we should get back to work before Grandpa gets on our hides again." Rocky stated and I nodded. 





I hope you all enjoyed the final chapter of my Rocky x reader fanfiction. 

I will making a Hotel Transylvania x OC fanfiction series, if you have not seen it on my story, go check it out. 

See you guys in 2024! 🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍❔❔❔❔👍👍👍👍🥳🥳🥳🥳

Happy New Year my readers and I hope you are just as excited to begin the new year. 

"New Year, New Possibilities" That's what I always say. 

I love you all and see you all soon.    

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