°Walk around.°

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15 minutes have passed since Ben came into my room and I'm very bored. I decide I'm gonna change clothes and walk around the place. I look into my closet and see my clothes all hung up neatly. I see some clothes that look like they can be used as pj's so I choose them. I put them on quickly as I can.

 I put them on quickly as I can

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(Without the shoes.)

I open my door and walk out cautiously. I look around and notice how big the halls are... So many doors.. Are they all peoples rooms?.. I wander around and see a door brown door with smiley face stickers all over it. Is this a good room? I shouldn't open it.. I should! No.. Yes... NO.... YESS..... I reach my hand out to open the door, but someone from inside already opens it. I look up at the man with black hair and a white mask with a red smile face painted on it. He looks down at me and tilts his head. "I'm sorry! I didn't know this was a person's room and!-" "Most rooms here are people rooms. Are you new or something?" He says sternly. "I actually am. I was just trying to look around and I got curious.." I look down in embarrassment. He looks at me as if he's observing me. "...Oh.. You're the new one.." He opens the door a little bit wider. "Would you like to come in? I cleaned my room just now so there's no blood anywhere." I look at his room. It's so basic yet artsy. "Is that okay with you?" I ask. "Of course. You did want to see my room, right?" "Yeah.." I say quietly. I enter his room and look around while fiddling with my bracelet on my left wrist. I feel like someone's watching me. I'm uncomfortable. Who's watching me?-

He's right behind me still observing me. "..Would you like some tea?" He asks. "Oh.. um.. Yes please.." He takes a cup of tea that was next to another one that I'm guessing was his. "It was for a friend, but she was a little busy today so we couldn't really hang out." He says handing me the cup. "Thank you." I say. "Would you like to sit down and talk?" He asks. "Um.. Okay.." We sit down on some stools he has. "..Do you like eye contact?" He asks. "..No.. not really. I force myself to do it sometimes because I was taught that it's respectful." I say. "..Why do you wear your headphones even when you aren't listening to anything?" He says. "..What do you mean?" I ask. "I've seen you in lunch. You were wearing headphones, but they weren't plugged into anything." He says back. "..I don't like loud noises and the headphones makes it muffled." A moment of silence washes over us. "..Is there something wrong with you?" He says. "..What?" "You aren't exactly violent or psychopathic like most of us here, but you don't act like a normal person either. All of us here mostly stalk our victims and they act.. like normal people for most part. What's wrong with you?" He says. I look at him and then back at the cup in my hands. My stomach starts to hurt. My eyes feel a little watery. My lips want to open up but can't. What does he mean? What's wrong with me? There's nothing wrong with me! I'm normal! I'm normal like the rest of the people! "..I don't know." I say back. My voice is shaky and confused. He looks at me and then looks back at the ground. "You should probably go now. I have to do some other duties." With that I nod and wave goodbye to him. I walk out his room and enter mine...
What's wrong with me? How am I not "normal"?

I'm not normal. (self- insert oc x Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now