chapter 14

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When we arrived at the hotel were gonna stay for a while. The group and I went inside and some of the staff greeted the band, Tom slips off he's arm off my shoulder and shook hands with the owner of the hotel.

Since there was a camera filming them, me and Kate have to stay on the other side. We didn't mind

we hadn't caught up since we were on the plane. I looked at her and saw how she looked at Gustav, I smirked and annudgedge her with my arm playfully

"What? " she asks and turns to me. I can't help but not to chuckle and cross my arms in my chest

" is there something I should know about? " I asked in a low voice as I watched Kate's face turn red and she rolled her eyes at me

" Addie, we're just getting to know each other! " she whisper-yelled and I raised my eyebrow at her

" Besides, look at Tom and you. He's now obsessed with you, that he can't stand a second, without feeling you on his side " Kate says and I playfully slap her arm while giggling and she smiles at me.

" come on now, girls "

I looked and locked eyes with Tom, he smiled at me and had his hand out. I locked my fingers with him and held his arm with my other as we walked to the elevator.

When we got to our floors, I found out that our rooms were just connected. We walked to the empty hallway and Bill gave me our room keys

" thank you, " I said and he smiled at me

" no problem Addie, just make sure you and Tom use protection," He says and winks as he turns to their room, giggling. My jaw dropped as Kate laughed and Tom went behind me

" and I don't want anyone to disturb us! " he shouts for the three rooms to be heard. I turned to him and hit him on his chest as Tom burst into laughter when seeing my face

" shut up! " I said and opened the room door. When we got inside, the room was fantastic. Than I imagined

" Woah " I breathed out and set the keys down into the drawer

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" Woah " I breathed out and set the keys down into the drawer. Tom walked in with our luggage and shut the door, I could see the smirk on his face

" so... One bed," he says and points out at the large bed in the room. Then I realized


" I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I can just sleep on the couch," He says and I turn and face him with eiden eyes

" no! T-that is uncomfortable. Let's just share the bed and have space between us! " I explained. The smirk on his face grows wider and he nods

" yes ma'am "

The time passed by, Tom was watching the TV and I was unpacking our clothes and hanging them in the closet. Their tour is tomorrow night, and I was very excited to watch them perform again

How can someone like me expect to be with Tom right now? One day I was just watching one of his concerts and now we both know each other

But tom... He's the first guy I've ever felt something like this

He makes me feel safe that no one ever has, all my nightmares just went away after I met him. The anxiety thoughts just vanish when he's beside me, I just forget about it.

"Hey, we should get ready. Bill just texted me and he wants us to go out for dinner together "

I snapped out of my thoughts when hearing Tom's voice speak. I blinked a few times and hung the clothe

" y-yeah, sure. That sounds great, I'm just gonna change my clothes " I said and closed my luggage

" Can I come with you? " I heard him ask. I froze in my spot with a reddened face, I turned to him and threw him the towel as he chuckles

" What? I'm serious "

" Tom! "


I changed into my white short skirt and my blue top with a matching jacket on

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I changed into my white short skirt and my blue top with a matching jacket on. I brushed my hair and decided to keep it in a messy ponytail, I kept my white shoes in and looked at myself in the mirror

When I left the bathroom, I thought Tom was gonna be on the couch but I couldn't find him, to only see the door open. I hear his deep voice speak in German as he shares a conversation with Gustav

" yeah, alright " I heard Tom's deep voice say and I heard he's footsteps we were getting near. I look around, panicking about what to do. But then he saw me

Looking up from the phone on he's hand, his mouth slightly opens as his eyes stare down into my exposed cleavage and legs. I swallowed the lump in my throat and felt shy under his gaze

" Heilige Scheiße... Träume ich? "

He says in German, and I didn't understand a single thing that he said. But his voice was just deep and rough, that it made me feel something. I rubbed my thighs together and looked away

" I hope my outfit is not t-too much," I said and this heat that begins to pool was confusing me. Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel like I want him so bad?

" n-no, it looks perfect on you " Tom had a hard time pulling those words out from he's mouth as I noticed he's eyes still hadn't left my body yet.

When Tom and I arrived at the lobby, the others were already waiting for us. I smiled at them as I noticed Kate was giggling towards Gustav, who kept his one hand behind her back. When she saw what j was wearing, her mouth fell open, and look at me between Tom

" you look great, Adeline " Georg compliments and smiles at me

I felt my heart melt at his words, Georg's smile is always cute

" thank you! " I said

" I love that shirt! " Bill says

But before I can respond to them, Tom who's behind me pulls me closer to his chest, wrapping his arm in front of me and sending them glares

" Sie gehört mir, zieh dich zurück " Tom says in German, like a threat and Georg snickered at him. I can't help but not to blush feeling him so close behind me (Shes mine, back off )

that his height is just towering over me

" I'm not gonna steal her away from you, Tom " Georg adds.

Adeline | Tom Kaulitz ✓Where stories live. Discover now