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Dr.Vikram Salkhakar

Vikram Salkhakar

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Varun Salkhakar

[Vikram and Varun both are brothers,Vikram is very caring person but he can be monstar when it’s come to his baby bro’s health,he can’t take risk over him,for him he is everything]

Today is worst day for Varun first he bunk his college second he eat street food which was not allowed to him because whenever he eat something from outside he become sick and no one can save him from his bhaiya’s anger,just like today,Varun was crying in pain cause he had a stomach and he try to lie his bhaiya but whom he was kidding.Vikram looking like he going to blast due to anger but he know this is not a good time for his angers first he need to help his baby bro,He check him and press his stomach from different angles which make Varun cry in pain..

“Shh,bacha,just hold on hmm,”Vikram said softly and made him eat some medicines with a lot of difficulties. After that he took some shots and Varun started to panic.

“Bhaiya,I am really sorry,I promise I won’t repeat this,always listen to you but no shots,please”He plead to him but Vikram glare at him angrily and flip him and made him lay on his stomach Varun started to move and free himself but he stop when Vikram warned him in his angry tone.

“Stop moving otherwise I give you the worst punishment ever,and I am serious. ''Varun gulped and hid face between pillows and started to cry,Vikram felt bad and rub his back softly.

“Buba,let bhaiya treat you,hmm,if you listen bhaiya then you won’t feel any pain,just relax”

“But it’s going to be painful”

“Yeah but only a little bit,and you are my brave bacha right?So just bear this for bhaiya”He said and pulled his pent down and rubbed cotton,Varun flinched,Vikram rubbed his back and warned him before inserting the needle.

“Breath”He inserted the needle and Varun jumped on his place and let out some painful cry,Vikram slowly injected fully and Varun started to move.

“Aaahhh bhaiya,Please stop it’s paining aahh,please”He cry a lot,Vikram pull the needle out and rub the injected area and before Varun turned he inject him second injection on the same spot,Varun cried lungs out because of sudden attack and started to move a lot.

“Aaaahh,bhaiya,please,hurt..Aaaahhhh”He cried and hide face,his face turned red,Vikram pull the needle out and covered his injected area with bandage and pull Varun and wipe his tears and chubby cheeks and hug him.

“Aww my baby stop crying,see it’s done now no more cry,hmm,”He said and started to kiss him and rub his back,Varun hug him tightly and clench his shirt,Vikram kiss on his head and pull him more closer,Varun stay like that for sometime and then back off from the hug and held ears.

“I am shorry please don’t punish me now. ''He said with puppy face,Vikram chuckled at him and then make him lay on top and covered in blanket.

“Yeah,we can see later now take rest”Varun started to mumble something but he didn't know when he drifted into sleep,because of injections.

Days passed after 4 days Vikram called Varun in the study room,and now Varun was standing in front of him with head low.

“Didn’t not I tell you to not skip college,hmm,you know na study is important then why you bunk college?”Now Vikram doesn't have any mercy in eyes and softness in words he looks very angry,Varun looks down but he looks up when Vikram asks him to look up.

“Answer me,you brat”He shouted at him,Varun held his ears cutely and made pout.

“I am sorry,I just don’t want to attend my History class,it’s so boring,so…”

“And what about street food?”

“O.h,I am sorry for this too,actually my friends forced me to do this and I couldn't stop myself when I saw yummy yummy…”

“Your friends ask you to jump in the river . Will you do the same?”He asked angrily that Varun put fingers under chin and smiled devilishly.

“Of Course bhaiya,Anything for friends”Vikram looks at him with WTF look and smacks him on his back,Varun yelps dramatically but in return he yelps in reality when Vikram hits him hard.

“Ahh,Bhaiya please,ahh,you can’t beat your baby”He shouted and winced when Vikram once again smacked him on his back.

“Oh,And baby can do anything hmm,You don’t know how much you scared me,you idiot”He said and smacked him one more time,Varun’s eyes became teary.

“Ahh sorry sorry please no more”He looks at Vikram with teary eyes who stops and hugs him tightly.

“You are my life,I can’t took a single breath without you,why you always scared me like that?You know na you are my world,then why you can’t stop being brat?”Varun looked up at him and kissed on his cheek which made him melt and smile.

“I know,And I am really sorry bhaiya,but I promise now I become good boy,but only for you,now I never do anything which made you sad”


“Of course promise,anything for my bhaiya”Vikram chuckled and pulled his cheeks and ruffled his hair.

“Drama Queen but my Drama Queen”He said and hugged him tightly they both stayed like……

I hope you all like this🦋

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Goodbye and Take care🦋

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