Let's Meet Sasuke

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Everything was dark all you could hear was screaming. A man who was unconscious from the torture he had, slowly wakes up just to find himself bound with a chain in his leg and his hands were also tied with a rope. He tried to release his hands and started screaming to get a response which he didn't get.
Someone opened the door and he freaked out.

Who are you?? Why are you doing this to me??, the man shouted.

Shh!!! I don't like to shout and also people who shout, a person in a mask said in his raspy voice.

Please don't kill me, the man said with tears.

It's ok, I don't kill people, the masked man replied so effortlessly like he wasn't torturing that person or holding him as a hostage.

I'll wait until you say please kill me instead of Don't kill me, The masked man added.

He started stitching his previous cuts and the man started screaming in pain.

Oh sorry!! I didn't inject you with anaesthesia ( used to numb the area ) but it's ok you can feel this. It's painful but fun isn't it??, the masked man asked.

Who are you? Please let me go!!, the man begged. 

Let me treat your wounds peacefully. You'll be fine soon then I'll give you another dose of torture and pain it would be so fun, right?? The masked man said with a scalpel and scissors in his hands.

Let me go, you psycho, the man shouted not ready for the torture again.
And again the dark room was filled with screaming and begging.

Present time....

Throw this out of the house, A man shouted ordering his men to throw the house equipment out of the house.

Why are you doing this? Please don't do this, a middle-aged woman came to that man and cried.

Then why did you complain to the police,
When your son is abnormal, kids will make fun, how is it my son's mistake, the man said throwing all the equipment.

My son is autistic but that doesn't give anyone the right to beat or bully him, The woman said.

Oh!! Whatever, he looks abnormal and talks stupidly which makes our children uncomfortable in school, A woman in crowd said.

So what if they beat him he must have done something to irritate them, the other man said ordering his goons to break their house equipment.

Someone, call the police, the neighbours were whispering.

Can you please stop this, A voice interrupted them and all looked at the voice.

A man came out from the crowd "You should not do this as it's also a crime" he said pointing at the goons.

Who are you to lecture us?? One of the men shouted.

Oh, yeah! I'm their lawyer, Sasuke Uchiha, the man said showing them his card.

Can you please stop this when I'm asking nicely?? Sasuke said.

Hey!! You- the man was about to say something but the man with goons cut him off.

"Don't say anything", the man said and then looked at Sasuke.

See, A person should never lose his patience he should always know what and how to talk in a situation right?? Sir, Sasuke said to that man.

I'll pay you double so be our lawyer, the man said directly and Sasuke laughed a little.

Money is of course the most important thing but I have some stupid principles like "first come first get" type so I'm sorry but you should have come before them, Sasuke said.

You really are great it was nice meeting you personally, the man said and was about to touch his shoulder but Sasuke stopped him.

Don't, he said. "Actually, I don't like people touching me without my permission", he added with a smirk.

Oh!! I see, the man said dragging his hand back but totally offended.

Why don't you order them to place the equipment back as they were, you know it's a crime, Sasuke said.

Sure, the man said ordering them to do that.

What are y- a man was about to say something but the man with goons told him to stop.

Now, can we talk like gentlemen, Sasuke said and the man nodded.

So instead of this why don't you all leave and hire a lawyer against me to prove your son's innocence, Sasuke said.

Sure, let's go, the man said.

After cleaning your mess ok? Sasuke said with a smile looking at the street filled with the things they throw and the man nodded.

Hey, what's wrong? Why are you reacting in that way? Didn't we decide to scare them? One of the bully's parent asked.

You don't know him. He is Sasuke Uchiha, one of the best lawyers here. He is a criminal lawyer and has connections with many influential people, politicians and even criminals you can't imagine, The man said.

Then, why is he that beggar's lawyer, the man asked.

It's ok, don't worry, they won't come again, Sasuke said to the woman.

Thank you, son, The woman said wiping her tears.

No problem, I owe you one, ma'am, just trying to repay your kindness, Sasuke said to the woman and she smiled.

Sasuke got a call from Naruto.

Excuse me, He said and left to pick up the call.

"What?? Naruto, seriously",  Sasuke sighed.

Fine, I'm coming, Sasuke said.

See you in the court, ma'am, Sasuke said with a smile.

That's it for the chapter.

I divided the first chapter into two parts because I thought it was too long.
Sorry 😅

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