Are You A Human

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When the girl's father came Sasuke confirmed that it was her father and she was lost. Then he let the girl go with her father.

Thank you so much, sir, little girl's father thanked Sasuke.

It's fine, sir, take care of her, Sasuke said smiling at the little girl.

The girl also smiled back and was about to hug him but he stopped her.

Don't touch me, I've a mental problem ok, so don't touch me, Sasuke said in sign language and smiled.

The girl smiled and gave him a chocolate and signed a thanks to him.

Next day...

How can I meet her again.....she is not even on social media..... Sai said searching on social media.

Smart people don't waste time on this social media thing, my brother is also not on any social media platform, Naruto said.

Why are you thinking that much, you know where she works just go and meet her, Karin said.

Yeah, but she works with his brother and I'm kinda scared of him, Sai said.

Why??? What is there to be scared of him, Karin said.

He is all scary but leave it you won't understand, Sai said.

Listen, I'll help you meet her, just go and talk to her and ask her number, Karin said.

I just hope she is not as scary as his brother after all they work together, Sai said and sighed.

Why are you dragging Sasuke into this?? He is not scary at all, Karin said and looked at Naruto.

Why are you so silent, Karin asked.

Yeah!! Karin is right, My brother is neither scary nor rude, he is just strict with law and rules, Naruto said and they both stared at him.

What were you thinking just now?? Karin asked.

Nothing... Naruto said avoiding both of them.

Tell us...what are you hiding?? Sai said.

It's really nothing... I saw a girl yesterday...  Naruto said.

So you also fall in love with her, Karin asked.

No... I mean, I don't know but I was just thinking about her, she was weird, Naruto said and they both again stared at him.

Oh!!! Come on!!! Guys, I just saw her on the road it's not like I'm going to meet her again, it was just a coincidence, Naruto said.

Do you like her?? Sai asked.

Stop it!! Sai!!! It's nothing like that, I mean I don't know it would be good to get to know her more if I get the chance to meet her again, Naruto replied.

Ok, guys, leave it, Hey!! Karin, what is your planning it's your birthday, Naruto shifted the conversation.

Planning?? I messaged your brother that it's my birthday today, and then he replied Happy birthday.... Karin said showing him the chat.

There were tons of her messages and Sasuke's one reply.

I Naruto asked.

First, I'm going to meet your brother and then let's have a party tonight, Karin said standing up from the chair.

Let's bunk the college and meet them, Sai, we both have the same destination, Karin said.

You're coming, Sai asked.

No..thanks...I'll meet you guys at the party, Naruto said looking at the familiar girl in the college.

You don't have to take the argument this far, I mean they were just kids, a lawyer said.

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