A Little Back Story

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Good morning, 13-year-old Karin said to Sasuke.

Oh!!! Morning..., 18-year-old Sasuke replied.

Are you Naruto's friend?? Sasuke asked as she was staring at him.

Yeah, but I'm here to meet you not him, Karin replied.

Meet me?? For what?? Sasuke asked totally unaware of what that little girl was up to.

I wanted to tell you that I...I..love you Sasuke...

Karin said shyly and Sasuke was confused or maybe shocked by this sudden proposal.

What?? Sasuke asked and laughed a little.

Yeah, I love you and I want you to accept my proposal and date me, Karin said.

Sasuke was confused and at a loss of words because Karin was a little girl.

You're so young for that.., and I'm older than you so I can't date you ok,

Sasuke tried to explain with patience because she was a kid to him.

When you truly love someone age doesn't matter, it's just a number,

Karin said and Sasuke looked around not knowing what to say.

Fine, uhm...see, you're a kid, So wait until you understand what love is, ok, Sasuke said to put this conversation to an end.

Don't talk to me like I'm a damn kid, Karin said. Fine, I'll propose to you again when I'm no longer a kid, then don't give me this excuse, I won't give up because I really love you Sasuke...

Karin said and Sasuke sighed.

Call me brother just like Naruto's other friends, ok, Sasuke said.

No, it would be awkward when I become your wife, Karin said and Sasuke was again confused or shocked.

What?? Wife?? Sasuke said.

That's how Sasuke met Karin for the first time.

And after that, she continuously started proposing to him and was ignored.

Oh!! Come on!! She's not a kid anymore you should give her a chance, Temari said to Sasuke(now 21)

She is a kid to me, Sasuke replied reading a file.

She has waited for years for you and I think maybe she deserves a chance or a rejection like a real woman don't treat her like a kid, Temari said.

She is a high school girl, not a woman and she is also younger than me, Sasuke replied.

You guys have a five-year age gap which is not even that much, maybe she is a high school girl and you're a junior lawyer that's what you feel awkward, Temari said.

There is nothing awkward, she is a teenager and you know how's today's generation, she is just attracted to me she will move on soon, Sasuke replied.

What do you mean by today's generation, we are 21 ok, we are also in this generation, don't talk like we are some old hags, Temari said and Sasuke sighed.

Fine, now leave let me do my work, Sasuke said.

Listen, if we weren't smart enough students to skip grades and become the youngest lawyers in the country, we'd be in college right now so it wouldn't be awkward for a college student to date a high school girl, Temari said putting her hand on the table.

I told you there is nothing like awkward here, She is Naruto's friend and she is like a little sister to me, Sasuke replied.

So that's the problem huh!! Little sister...

Temari said and looked at the file.

Btw, what are you working on, she asked looking at the file.

Oh!! That's my first argument case, Sasuke said.

What?? You got a case?? Temari asked.

No, I'm going to argue on sir's behalf, Sasuke replied.

Huh!!! He didn't ask me for that, Temari said.

So sad...Sasuke said. Don't be jealous, he added.

How is this fair?? We both are his junior how can he give a case to you, she asked.

At least, now Stop competing, Sasuke replied.

How come?? We have been rivals since our college and we'll always be rivals, Temari said.

Your percentage was higher than mine and we are not in the college anymore, so leave it, Sasuke replied.

Of course, I'm smarter than you and one day I'll beat you in court and win against you, just wait and watch, Temari said reading the file.

It's a rape case?? She asked.

Yeah, it is!! Sasuke replied.

Fine, btw, congratulations on your first case, hope you win because I'm definitely going to win my first case, Temari said.

Thanks and of course, I'll win, Sasuke replied.

What do you mean, I'm 18, ok now I'm an adult so stop treating me like a kid and stop saying the same thing again, Karin said.

Karin, I told you, there is no point in the argument, I don't like you, Sasuke said.

Why?? Why you don't like me?? I'm not a kid anymore, so what's the reason?? Karin asked.

Exactly, you're not a kid anymore so try and understand, that what you're doing is stalking and it is a crime, next time I'll call the police on you so stop wasting your time and look for someone else, Sasuke almost shouted. He was now totally irritated by Karin's behaviour.

Trust me you'll find someone better than me, Sasuke replied in a calm voice controlling himself.

You won't call the police on me, you're way too kind and considerate for this, Karin said and Sasuke sighed.

And although many boys have proposed me since school, I have never accepted anyone's proposal because there is no one like you and I only love you, Sasuke...

Karin said so determined.

Why?? Sasuke asked.

This is the same question I have, why??? Why you don't like me...

Karin said and this is still going on...
They both don't know the answer to this Why??

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