Hinata Is Complicated

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Hinata had a crush on Naruto for a very long time because of his outgoing and friendly personality she was a little envious too. She used to see him from afar but had no guts to talk to him. Naruto was always busy with girls and had lots of friends on the other hand Hinata had no friends and was always scared of getting into any relationship.

The day when Naruto approached her she was shocked why he was approaching her but also happy that he did.

But people always had different purposes to talk to her. Some people used to talk to her because they wanted her to help them in study or practicals. Some people genuinely proposed to her but she rejected them because of her low self-esteem or introverted personality.

But in reality, people only approached her for their selfish reasons not to befriend or maybe love her. If this was true or only in her mind she was not sure.

She was always lonely and her life taught her that being emotional nothing gives you so she was always practical and never showed her true side to anyone.

But when Naruto approached her she didn't think that his business was only friendship and love nothing else.

And now when she did something stupid when she was drunk. She didn't want to face Naruto afraid of how would he react. and now when she is conscious she is thinking about how can she propose to someone. She is ordering herself not to love.

Hinata, you're not mad at me about yesterday right?? I'm sorry, Karin said.

It's ok, don't be sorry, I'm not mad I'm just...how was Naruto after he dropped me? Hinata asked.

Normal, I guess as he is always, Karin replied.

Btw, do you remember what you did yesterday?? Karin asked and Hinata was tensed.

No!!! I don't!!! Why?? Did Naruto say something, Hinata asked abruptly.

Thank God, I hope Sasuke also forgot about it just like you, Karin said.

But he'll remember that it's you who spiked his drink, Hinata said.

What happened?? Did he say something?? Hinata asked.

Yeah!! He talked about some Sakura, Karin replied.

Who is Sakura?? Hinata asked.

Maybe his ex?? Karin replied.

Oh!! So you have a competition, Hinata asked.

No!! There is no competition, but if Sasuke is happy with her I'll make sure he gets her, I'll find out who is Sakura and why they broke up...I'll help him patch up things with Sakura...

Karin said.

No, you won't do anything like this...

Naruto said from behind hitting a paper sheet on her head.

What?? Karin shouted and Naruto and Sai sat beside them.

I told you, don't talk about Sakura...and not in front of my brother...

Why is that?? Karin asked.

I don't know!!! But trust me...my brother and Sakura can never be together...so don't think about it, instead, think about how you gonna make him fall in love with you...

Naruto said and looked at Hinata.

How are you now?? Naruto asked.

Okay..I'm..okay... Hinata replied.

What happened exactly?? Sai asked.

Nothing...Karin spiked their drink...Naruto replied explaining what happened yesterday.

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