I Saw Her

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(it's Shikamaru in the picture 👆)

Who are you?? What do you want?? A man shouted.

He was locked in a glass container connected to an oxygen cylinder through a pipe.

Relax!! Please, don't panic it will be difficult for you after some time, psycho said in a calm voice.

Who..who..is..this?? Why my eyes are covered, the man asked totally anxious.

Well, it's for practice, so when I remove your eyes you won't face many problems, psycho said.

What?? What do you mean?? The man asked frustrated because he couldn't see anything.

It's ok, I'll do that with caution you won't die, Psycho said.

Listen, I don't have money to give you, I'm poor, I think you kidnapped the wrong one, the man tried to explain.

I didn't kidnap you for money...

The psycho said and moved to the container and stopped the supply of oxygen for some seconds.

The man started gasping for oxygen and started losing consciousness.

The psycho smiled and stopped it.

The man started breathing heavily and was not fully conscious.

How does that feel to nearly encounter death, the psycho asked.

I...didn't..d-do anything...please l-let me go, The man stuttered breathing heavily.

I said don't use much oxygen, or else I'll do this again, the psycho replied.

Don't panic, you will get a roommate after some time, The psycho said.


The man stuttered before losing consciousness.

Hey, what are you doing here, Shikamaru asked.

What?? Am I not welcome here?? Sasuke replied.

Shikamaru is Sasuke's friend. They became friends in a really strange way.

No...no..You're always welcome, Shikamaru replied.

How're you doing?, Sasuke asked sitting on a chair.

I guess, I'm earning so it's going well, Shikamaru replied.

Why don't you give me a job here, Sasuke said. See, I'm handsome and when I sing here, girls will come into your bar, and you'll earn more...

Sasuke added and Shikamaru laughed.

Aren't you earning in your law profession?? Shikamaru asked.

Of course, I am, see I'm quite famous...

Sasuke replied.

Drink?? Shikamaru asked smoking his cigarette.

I don't drink, Sasuke said asking for a glass of water.

What happened?? Shikamaru asked knowing something was wrong.


Sasuke said after some time drinking water and Shikamaru stopped working focusing on his friend.

Did you talk?? He asked and Sasuke laughed a little.

She totally ignored me, Sasuke replied.
Maybe she has forgotten how I look, he added drinking water as if it could make him drunk.

Shikamaru was looking at him not knowing what to say.

Honestly, it's fine, she ignored me because if she didn't, I would have killed her, Sasuke said.

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