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The hand of the Finnick Odair was outstretched towards her. Bonny looked up inquisitively at the older boy, where see saw a bright, sunny smile looking back at her.

"Just making sure you don't topple over again, it was quite the sight." Finnick said with a mischievous grin.
The girl in the chariot pondered on whether she should grab the hand of the man known for his flirtatious manner and long line of Capitol girls pining over him. It wasn't the actual flirting which worried Bonny, everyone had to survive in some way, it was the strength that some Capitol woman had. Bonny had felt the power in each tug of her skin from her prep team, which lead the district girl to believe the girls' that were so infatuated with Finnick Odair must be a strong as an ox, ready to fight off any other women who look is his direction.

After warily looking around for any potential Finnick-lovers, she eventually decided to stretch out and grab the tanned man's hand, grasping it tightly as to make she didn't fall down once again.

The younger girl hopped to the ground before looking up at the taller man towering over her. His hair was unstyled and a few strands of his golden locks fell infront of his ocean-blue eyes which stared in Bonny Falu's soul. Light freckles covered his nose and his pink lips were smooth and soft, which was quite the opposite to Bonny's usual look from when she was in her district.

She quickly pulled her gaze away from his mesmerising face, worried he had noticed how long she had been staring. Thankfully, though, he didn't mention it despite clearly noticing.

Their breif interlude was distrupted by the cough beside her, Alaris. Finnick gave Bonny a small wink before walking off to his tributes, without glancing back to her once. Alaris stepped into the same position that Finnick was in just moments ago, he looked down at her with an amused expression. Bonny Falu scrunched up her nose and tilted her head in denial, but her wide eyes showed her true feelings to Alaris.


The young girl was introduced to many other Victors before she was escorted to her sleeping arrangements. She met the District 1 mentors, Cashmere and Gloss, who were both duplicitous, although Gloss made his dislike to any tribute that wasn't his own more known than Cashmere.

Just before she headed off to her apartment, Alaris hurried Bonny over to a man. His hair was long and full of grease, and the sickly smell of strong liquor could be smelt within a metre radius of him. Bonny held her breath for a moment until she readjusted to his stench, she knew that if he was a friend of Alaris, he would have to be a friend of Bonny.

"Bonny, this is Haymitch, the lone Victor of the measly District 12." Alaris stated with a joking smile.

Haymitch nodded with a drunken grin, barely acknowledging the girl before taking another swig from his bottle.

"You want this bottle, Bon, I've plenty more for myself." The District 12 Victor asked Bonny as politely as he could get. Bonny Falu immediately snatched the alcohol of out his hand and poured the rest of the liquid into her mouth, Haymitch snorted with laughter as Alaris too gave a muffled laugh. Bonny was used to the taste of alcohol since it was offered to her on the Sunday's she would sing. Whenever her Nana was around to see her take a gulp, the younger girl would make the excuse that she needed to 'clean her pipes' before she begin to sing, which always left the elderly lady smiling.

Of course, Bonny wasn't a drunkard like Haymitch was, so she wasn't used to the constant stench of beer around her. But she made no comment about his drinking habits, knowing the Games often left Victor's in much worse states than Haymitch was in.

The bottle of the Capitol drink was pulled away from her as she swallowed the last reminents of the liquid. The wrinkled hand had to tug the bottle out of her tight grasp before she finally let her hand loose, letting the now-empty bottle be handed back to it's original owner.

"Can't have you hungover for training tomorrow, can we now? We better get back to base." Alaris said with a grin. Bonny Falu rolled her eyes at Alaris' half-concerned state, which earned her a tug of the ear.

"We'll drink again sometime Bonny, you can handle more than Al could at your age." Haymitch said, with another bottle of liquor in his grimy hands. Bonny gave the drunk man a thumbs up, glad she had gained the likes of another Victor, even if it was one from 12. Alaris shouted to her to hurry up, which brought Bonny's attention back to her mentor. She ran to catch up to Alaris but met the eyes of Finnick Odair once again. He gave her a smile, not a flirty, enticing smile, but a kind, joyful smile. Bonny returned the smile, her lips practically reaching her ears by the time Alaris walked over and dragged her away from their stare.

As Bonny was led into the elavator by her mentor, she noticed the buttons on the side of the wall. She had never been in a elevator before, nor had many people from the Districts. She peered up towards the sky, but was knocked by the sudden move in the elevator. Bonny took in the unkown experience with delight, she told herself on the day of her first reaping that if she became a tribute, she'd make sure to endulge in every opportunity there was in the Capitol. Whether it be ride up a skyscraper in an elevator or become an adored citizen of Panem, she would do it.

Before long, the machine came to halt with a slight judder and the doors opened to a magnificent living room. The space was much more modern than the train ride to the Capitol and was full of luxurious white sofa's and a TV that was larger than Bonny Falu's body. The coffee table was made out of oak wood with a smooth polish. The awe-struck girl sat herself down one of the many snow-white armchairs, and was followed by Alaris, who lowered himself into an identical one beside her.

As he looked up, Bonny noticed the serious look on his face. It must be a more professional talk than the one they, and Haymitch, had had earlier on.

"What can you do?" Alaris asked. "What? What does that mean." Bonny replied confused. She wanted to clarify whether he meant could she milk a cow or kill a human, which were quite the opposite things. "What skills do you have that can help you survive in the arena. Any?" Alaris confirmed. By now, she had gathered that Alaris had talked to her now about her survival skills since Otto wasn't around. The thought put a small smile on her face, knowing Alaris preferred her to win over Otto, even though it went against the odds.

"I don't really know," she said nervously, " I go into the woods sometimes, throw a knife or two, but I'm no child prodigy." Her lip quivered at the thought of her throwing a knife into Agnes' chest, the sharp blade plunging into the small girl's frame as she collapsed with a whimper.

"That's a start. How good are you?" Alaris once again asked. "I can hit an animal somewhere close to the head or the heart, depending on the animal." Bonny said, hoping Alaris didn't notice her nervous stutters. "Good, don't work on the knife section during training. Don't show the Careers what you can do, they'll target you if they know you can handle a weapon. And by the sounds of it, you already have a little bounty on your head." Alaris muttered. He went into detail about how the Careers and their mentor's wanted Bonny out of the Games quickly since she had gained by the following since her reaping, leading many people to sponser her over the expected winners. They wanted her gone, so her sponsers would focus back on the Careers.

Bonny Falu was worried. All the Careers already planned to kill her, and the only person she could see herself allying with so far was Agnes, from 12, who Bonny thought could never kill a tribute, let alone a Career. She knew she'd have to learn everything she could about how to survive the arena, from learning about plants to how to hold a bow. Everything.

The songbird could only hope that she was a fast learner.


ugh i literally hated this sm but i couldn't think of anything to write for dayss so ig we're stuck with this. and i had to keep going back on myself cos i kept writing lift instead of elavator, sometimes i wish thg was based in england insread of america itd make it so much easier for me. imagine bonny as a chav though ahah.

but merry christmas everyone even though it's 3 days after, hope u all had  great day!!

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