Part 11 (Canon)

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scientist cameraman 0001: why does that rabbit like vanilla so much?

scientist cameraman 0002: i dont know!
scientist speakerman: 0039: let me tickle your little toesie woesies

scientist cameraman 0001: how did he become a scientist

scientist cameraman 0002 and me: dunno

me: jinx! you owe me a soda

scientist cameraman 0002: FU__! i dont have any sodas. just take some money.

Me: *gets $45.00* "Yipee!"

the rabbit bursts through a door and suckerpunches titan cameraman, but then sees a crate and smells vanilla from it. the rabbit sprints towards the vanilla and goes "SLURRRRRRRRRP" while eating it as though its a drink. 

 *Big normal tv woman teleports to the base*

big normal tv woman: where am i?

scientist speakerman 0039: GYATTTTTTTTTTT 

*big normal tv woman draws her pocket knife*

scientist speakerman 0039: sowwy mommy 

big normal tv woman: its okay. anyways what base is this?
scientist cameraman 0001 and 0002 and me: "this is the base of not your universe. where is your base anyways?"

big normal tv woman: in northern canada 

*everyone from my universe gasps and i play an electronic beep from my head*
me: how the hell do you survive in such harsh conditions?

big normal tv woman: well we may have to sacrifice a few people because my kind was acting suspicious 

me: how does this relate to the weather there and how you survive in it?

big normal tv woman: oh we had multiple heaters in every sector

me: what the heck's a sector?

big normal tv woman: well, basically, sectors are the areas where all our races have jobs to do like cooking, engineering new technology, an arena, and the basement... we dont talk about the basement. we also have the main lobby *sips some vanilla ice coffee*

me: thats an intriguing way to organize things. also where did you get that coffee you didn't have it before and we have no coffee machines

big normal tv woman: i had it before i teleported here *hears some running noises* what the heck was that?

me: either scientist speakerman 0039 running to tickle someones toes or simp for a girl or the loud-ass generator we have in our energy room.

big normal tv woman: wait i see someone running towards me
???: give me that vanilla ice coffee rehehehehe

me: who are you

white rabbit: im the white rabbit that likes vanilla *steals vanilla ice coffee and drinks it* oh mate im gonna be a bird *tries to fly by jumping from a platform 13 ft up but then hits the ground hard making him faint due to drinking too much vanilla*

*Scientist speakerman 0039 is doing the fortnite default dance while starting at big tv woman's GYATT*

Me: ayo whatchu staring at sir

Big Normal TV Woman: *looks behind themselves and sees scientist speakerman 0039 staring at her GYATT* okay thats it *lunges at him and beats the crap out of him*

scientist speakerman 0039: *actually dies and his head flies off*

me: he deserved that to be honest

author: time to superglue these universes so they can never separate MWAHAHAHAH *uses gorilla glue and duct tape to make the universes stay together*

check out 

@firecoolcomboboy2 firecoolcomboboy2 for the other part of this

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