{♧} General Mahamatra {♧}

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Tighnari's POV:

The boy informs me that his name is Cyno and that he is indeed 18 years old. We talk for a bit while he walks us back to his house.
"Where are you from Tighnari?" He questions.
"Oh, I'm from Avidya Forest!" I smile.
He looks at me confused and stops in his tracks. I ask what's wrong and why he'd stop.

"That place is 9 hours away..."

My eyes widen and I panic. Collei has been waiting for 9 whole hours or more!!! Cyno realises my state of panic and sits down letting me rest.

Cyno's POV:

Tighnari is panicking and if he's telling the truth he's more than far from home...

-30 minutes later-

While I was walking, the weight on my back got heavier I turned my head and Tighnari had fallen asleep! He was cute...no I can't say that! What's going on with me?


Tighnari's POV:
I wake up and I'm still on Cyno's back. But when I went to sleep it was colder...it's..so.....hot. I start to sweat and my head gets extremely hot. I lay my head on Cyno's shoulder and he looks at me.
"Morning :D," He greets.
"M..mo..morni....ng," I pant. His face changes from a smile to a frown he sits down on his knees and lays me in front of him, he holds me tight and puts his hand on my forehead.
"Your boiling! Are you ok!?" Cyno said with concern in his voice.
"Y-yeah I'm j....just n-not good w..wi..with heat..." I chuckle.

Cyno's POV:

Nari (I know right amazing nickname for him) says he's alright but he is like 30°! I wonder if he's always like this in warm weather!

After a while, I decided to carry on going to Aaru Village since it was way closer than Avidya Forest plus it's my home. A couple of pieces of sand fly past us, and I start to sprint towards Aaru Village as fast as I can. Nari looks up at me and asks me why I'm running.
"THERES GOING TO BE A SANDSTORM!!!" I shout, and his eyes widen again. In a couple of minutes, we arrived and people were panicking and running around!

I run into my house slam the door and lock it so the door doesn't get busted down.
"So...we're stuck here now?" Tighnari sighed I laughed "You think?".

Tighnari's POV:

With my hearing, I could hear the sand going by, crashing against the walls. However now and then a stray rock would fly by and bang on the house which would startle me and I would hold my ears down. Cyno noticed that I was being disturbed by the noises and he walked over to me and placed his hood/scarf on me to cover my ears. My face flushed red and my cheeks got hot, he chuckled at my reaction.

My legs started to hurt so I asked if I could sit down somewhere and he guided me to his sofa, I sat down and it was so comfy! I went into the foetal position and pretty soon I was off to sleep...

- A couple of hours later -

Cyno shook me awake and told me the storm was over I accidentally placed my hand on top of his and we made eye contact.  Both of our faces flushed red to match Cyno's scarlet eyes.
"H-hey I have something to show you," Cyno stuttered, it was kinda cute...NO WHAT AM I THINKING!

He took me to a beautiful spot where I could see a massive temple and it was awesome!

"Can I tell you something? Well, I am anyway 😏," Cyno chuckled, "I am the amazing General Mahamatra!"
I blinked at him and just hugged him tightly he was taken back at first but soon he hugged me back. Once again we made eye contact and then he picked me up and we headed back to Aaru Village.

Words: 668 YAY more than the last chapter! I'll try to do more next chapter. HAPPY READING! 👋👋👋

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