《◇》 Jealously《◇》

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Cyno's POV:

Fast forward to the morning, I wake up with Tighnari sleeping on my shoulder in my house. I smile and kiss his forehead. WAIT WHY DID I DO THAT? My face goes as red as a tomato (yes a tomato). Then Tighnari starts moving and he opens his eyes to look directly at me. There is an awkward silence...even the awkward silence has an awkward silence.
"M..Morning :)," Nari greets.
"OH uh...morning :) " I reply. He has a cheeky look on his face and plants his head on my lap and wraps his arms around my waist.

Tighnari's POV:

I feel...so comfortable with him. I want to stay like this forever. A couple of hours later  Cyno is scrolling on his phone while I continue to lay on his lap.  I left my phone in Avidya Forest...wait, A PHONE I CAN CALL COLLEI!
"Uh...Cyno? Can I use your phone to call someone quickly???" I ask, he nods and passes me his phone. I dial Collei's number and she picks up!
"COLLEI! ARE YOU OK!?" I shout concerned,
"MASTER TIGHNARI! WHERE ARE YOU?" Collei worries. Tears slowly run down my face and I start to sob. Cyno is surprised by the tears but pulls me closer and comforts me.
"I-Im at..A...Aaru Village.." I stuttered, "Master Tighnari...that's 12 hours away
"I KNOW OK!?" I snap at Collei out of frustration that I may never see her again...
Then..she hangs up on me...


Cyno takes the phone and places it down on the side table. He suggests we go on a walk to get some fresh air. I get dressed in one of Cyno's hoodies. I walk out of the bedroom and he chuckles at my choice of clothing. He opens the front door for me and we walk together.

Cyno's POV:

Tighnari suddenly takes hold of my hand and his ears fold down in embarrassment
I shuffle closer to him and soon our arms are touching. I take him to a lovely garden when I see Candace. I wave to her abs she smiles back at me. I let go of Nari's hand and ran towards Candace. Then it starts to rain... Candace pulls out an umbrella and holds it above both me and her.

Tighnari's POV:

I stare at Cyno and that 'girl'. The rain trails down my face and that's when my world got crushed. That girl kissed Cyno. I stare in shock and run past them both to the exit, I run for what seems like miles. That's when I collapse and start crying. I curl up in a ball and drift off to sleep. I wake up to the noise of footsteps I look up to see FOREST RANGERS! I'm saved! I wave my arms frantically and they run over to me. One of them picked me up and I got carried to Avidya Forest. I walk to my house, falling a couple of times, my entire body is soaking from sleeping in the rain. I open the door and my house is trashed...

The plants are dead, pages of books lying on the floor, the bed isn't made and furniture is turned over. I stand there helplessly. Who could have done this!?


I don't bother to clean up and just fall onto my bed and once again sleep. That's all I can do...

AHAHAHA I HAVE DONE ONE MORE WORD THAN THE LAST CHAPTER! That wasn't intentional but oh well! See you next chapter!

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