Trouble at school

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Aaron's half brother
Age: 11
year 7
Dad was abusive
Mum: Chas Dingle
Dad: Leon Kelly
Brother: Aaron Dingle

I was a couple months into my new school and I was already on my last chance. Dad pulled my mattress from my bed and I dropped to the floor. I landed on my ribs which was killing from last night.
James: ah fuck
Dad: up you little shit
James: fuck off
He hit me
Dad: watch your mouth. Carry on and see what happens. Now im not gonna tell you again get up now
I got up and got ready. I wore a Nike tech fleece as my uniform was tighter which would have aggravated my bruises from last night. They also had blood on them so wearing them would tell everyone that somethings going on at home. I put on my crocs as my trainers were stained with blood. I went downstairs
Dad: where the fuck is your uniform?
James: well it's covered in blood
Dad: where's your other shirt?
James: it doesn't fit
Dad: whatever. So what are you not gonna do?
James: tell anyone
Dad: good now go. I don't want to be looking at you
James: whatever
I walked out the door slamming it on my way out. I walked around and sat on a bench. My phone started ringing
Dad: get your arse to school right now!
James: but dad my whole body is killing.
Dad: I don't care. You got what you deserved. I swear James if I get another call you're in for it. If you know what's good for you you'll get to school right now
James: okay I'm sorry. I'll go

I went to school and went straight to my head of behaviours office.
Miss Webb: good morning James
James: morning miss
Miss Webb: we gonna have a good day today?
James: yep
Miss Webb: where's your uniform?
James: in the wash
Miss Webb: and your shoes?
James: they broke and dad can't afford new ones right now. He doesn't get paid for another 2 weeks
Miss Webb: okay. I'll send an email out so you don't get any negative points. You have two hours in LSU today with Miss Green and Mr O'Brien
James: for what I haven't done anything?
Miss Webb: Miss Gonzalez doesn't want you in Spanish and Mr Askey doesn't want you in Biology
James: what why?
Miss Webb: you continuously disrupt their lessons. I'm having parents complaining because their child isn't learning because of your behaviour.
James: it's not even that deep
Miss Webb: we're gonna try a fresh week from today. We'll forget about Monday. You've already done the suspension. So we wipe the slate clean. If you have a clean report for the rest of the week then I'll buy you a packet of sweets
James: That's impossible
Miss Webb: how about more ticks than crosses?
James: that's better.
Miss Webb: you have four targets.
She handed me my report
1) Follow all instructions
2) Stay in class (don't include use of time out card)
3) No swearing
4) Don't get distracted/distract others
Miss Webb: you have Chemistry with Mr Mead
James: great
Miss Webb: I'll check in with you later
James: okay

I put my report in my pocket and went to my lesson
Mr Mead: nice of you to join us
James: whatever
Mr Mead: put your report on my desk and sit down
I put it on his desk and sat at the back of the classroom.
Mr Mead: take your hood down
I took it down and started talking to Tommy.
Mr Mead: enough talking you two
Tommy: sorry
Mr Keane: can I borrow James please?
James: do I need my stuff?
Mr Keane: yeah
I got up and took my report and followed him to the pastoral office. I sat down oposite him
Mr Keane: so what's going on?James: nothing
Mr Keane: you've racked up more negative points than year 8 and 9 combined James
James: I'm not that bad
Mr Keane: you're on your last chance
James: I know
Mr Keane: I'm gonna have to call your dad in for a meeting. Your behaviour is getting worse and we're running out of options James.
James: you can't!
Mr Keane: what?
James: y-you can't do that. He has work. He works all the time. He just can't
Mr Keane: if he can't then we'll do it over the phone
James: whatever
Mr Keane: I'm running a boxing session after school you wanna try it out? It might be good for you
James: I can't. I have to be home by 4pm.
Mr Keane: I can ring him for you if you like
James: No it's fine. He's just really strict with timings and stuff. Maybe at lunch?
Mr Keane: you have detention with Miss Wright for yesterday
James: can't I just do the detention with you?
Mr Keane: I'll talk to miss about it
James: thanks
Mr Keane: if she says yes then we'll try some boxing
James: calm
Mr Keane: you ready to go back to lesson?
James: can I just stay with you until next lesson?
Mr Keane: okay
We continued talking until the bell went
Mr Keane: maths with Miss Davis?
James: yeah
Mr Keane: alright let's go
James: I don't need you to take me
Mr Keane: just making sure you get there

We walked to my lesson and I sat down.
Miss Davis: James can you sit at the front please?
James: no
Miss Davis: James
James: I haven't done anything. Why do I have to move?
Mr Keane: James just move
James: No
Mr Keane: James don't start
I got up and moved to the front. I threw my report onto her desk. I sat down staring out the window
Miss Davis: James
James: hmm
Miss Davis: can we pay attention?
I looked back at the board. I then stood up and went to the window.
James: do you think I'd land it if I jumped from here?
I opened the window
Mr Keane: James don't even think about it. Sit down now. Don't get up unless you're told to.
James: but what if I need to get up?
Mr Keane: then you ask for permission you understand?
Mr Keane looked at me and i just nodded at him and he left.
Miss Davis: we're gonna be working out word problems.
We went through the PowerPoint and she gave us worksheets.
Miss Davis: after 15 minutes we're gonna feed back
I looked at the sheet and it was impossible. For what reason are there letters with numbers?
I scrunched up my worksheet and threw it in the bin.
Miss Davis: James can I speak to your outside please?
I got up and went outside
Miss Davis: I don't appreciate what you just did. It was rude and disrespectful
James: I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I just couldn't do it. It doesn't make sense. I can read them when it's apart how the hell am I supposed to read them together
Miss Davis: what could you have done?
James: ask for help
Miss Davis: what are you gonna do when you get frustrated?
James: ask for help
Miss Davis: okay. You ready to go back in?
I just nodded. We walked back in and she gave me a new sheet. I walked around the class
Miss Davis: James
I was looking in drawers and cupboards.
Miss Davis: what are you looking for?
James: my overlay
Miss Davis: it's on my desk
I reached over and grabbed it. I answered the first question. The bell then rang. We put our stuff away and everyone started leaving. She gave me my report and I went out for break. I looked at my report
1) Follow all instructions
2) Stay in class (don't include use of time out card)
3) No swearing
4) Don't get distracted/distract others
Comment: not a great lesson but not the worst. Took a while to settle down. Very distracted and disruptive. Frustrated with work. Kept leaving seat despite being told to sit down. Phone call home needed

I went outside and was playing on the Astro. I was playing football when Liam walked up to me.
Liam: I heard you were chatting shit about me
James: who the fuck are you?
He swung for me so I swung for him and we started fighting. He kept hitting me where I had already got bruises so it was hurting a lot more.
Mr Keane: that's enough the both of you
He pulled us off
Mr Keane: Liam go see Miss Webb now!
I tried to run at Liam and he pulled me back.
James: get the fuck off me
Mr Keane: you know I can't do that James
James: I'm going to fucking kill him
Mr Keane: let's take a walk James
We were walking around and I was still so angry.
James: I'm gonna fucking smash his face in when I next see him
Mr Keane: how about we try that boxing thing now?
We went to the sports hall and I wrapped my hands and put on my gloves. I was punching the pads and it felt amazing. I finally had something to take my anger out in.
Mr Keane: what happened today James? It's been a while since you had a fight
James: it's been a week?
Mr Keane: that's a record for you. So what happened today?
James: he just started on me for no reason. Said I had been chatting shit about him. I don't know him so how can I talk about him.
Mr Keane: Miss Webb and Mr Carter are waiting for you
James: I've blown it haven't i? I'm on my last chance and I fucked it up. Dads gonna be pissed
Mr Keane: I'll talk to them

James dingleWhere stories live. Discover now