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Chas pov
I went to the lady at reception.
Chas: hi I'm wondering if you could tell me about Leon Kelly. He was in the same accident as my son. He's his dad.
Reception: erm I'll have to speak to the doctor on his case
Chas: oh okay
Doctor: excuse me miss. Im Dr Burke I heard you asking about Mr Kelly.
Chas: how is he?
Dr Burke: his condition was critical and severe. We tried everything we could. I'm sorry but he didn't make it.
I didn't know how to feel.
Dr Burke: miss?
Chas: I'm fine. Can I see him?
Dr Burke: we can't allow that
Chas: please he tried to kill my son. I need to see him. I need to get all this anger out. I need to tell him what I think. Please. I just don't want to take it out on my family. They don't deserve it
Dr Burke: fine it can't be for that long
Chas: that's fine I just need a minute.
Dr Burke: I'll be outside
I sat down next to him
Chas: how could you treat him like that? He's just a kid. He might not wake up and that's on you. You got out of this too easily. You don't deserve death you deserve to suffer and endure the pain that you put him through. I never thought you would be like that. You was such a nice guy what happened? You've broke him. And for that I will never forgive you. I hope you rot in hell.
I walked out and went outside. I couldn't breathe it felt like I was suffocating.

Cain pov
My phone started ringing so I answered it
Chas: Cain?
Cain: Where are you?
Chas: i erm I c-can't breath. This is all my fault. I failed him. He could die and it will be all my fault.
Cain: Chas I need you to copy my breathing okay?
Chas: Cain
Cain: where are you?
Chas: waiting room
I ran outside and Chas was pacing up and down hyperventilating. I pulled her into a hug and held her tightly. This always worked when we were kids. She slowly began to calm down
Cain: Chas I think you should go home. I'll call you if anything happens or if there's any changes okay
Chas: okay okay
Chas left so I went back into James' room.
Moira: she okay?
Cain: No. I told her to go home
Moira: we're gonna go but Debbie wants to bring the kids
Cain: the kids shouldn't have to see him like this tell her no
Moira: okay
They left and I just sat there zoned out for a while
Debbie: dad how is he?
Cain: hmm
Debbie: how is he dad?
Cain: oh erm not good. they had to put him into a coma. He has a bad brain injury and he kept having seizures. He has cuts everywhere and he has a broken leg and arm.
Debbie: poor kid. They say how long they'll keep him under for?
Cain: nope but I'm guessing until they see improvements
Debbie: I better get back to Sarah and jack. I'll see you later dad

A couple weeks later
Dr Karev: family of James kelly?
Me, Chas and Debbie stood up quickly
Chas: is he okay?
Dr Karev: he has been making great progress. The swelling has decreased and almost completely gone down. His stats are good. Scans are promising. He's recovering really well. He's beginning to fight the sedation so we're going to try and wake him up.
Chas: what if it doesn't work?
Dr Karev: then we'll keep him on under the sedation and machines until he's ready.
Debbie: when he does wake up what shall we expect?
Dr Karev: we're not to sure how severe the brain injury is. When he wakes up we'll have a better idea
Chas: when are you gonna wake him up?
Dr Karev: we're gonna lighten the sedation and monitor him until he wakes. Dr shepherd will take him up for tests when he wake to see the extent of his brain injury.
Chas: when are you gonna try and wake him up?
Dr Karev: we're just waiting for Dr Shepherd to finish a neuro consult
Chas: okay
Cain: Can you give us an idea of what the future will look like?
Dr Karev: it depend on the extent of the tbi
Cain: so what's the best outcome?
Dr Karev: I'm not gonna say that he'll be the same kid he was before cause chances are he won't. There may be many things that he'll struggle with and he may need support with ordinary basic activities

Another Doctor walked in
Dr Shepherd: hi I'm dr shepherd i performed the brain surgery on James. We're hoping to bring him out of the coma today and do some further tests to figure out the outcome and recovery. We're gonna reduce the sedation more and if all goes well he should wake within the next few hours.
They put some medication into his cannula
Dr Karev: we'll be back shortly if he begins to wake up do get one of the nurses to page us
We were now just waiting. Debbie went to grab coffees and Chas was just sat down zoned out holding James' hand. After a couple hours it was still the same. I was on my phone until Chas started shouting
Chas: he did it he squeezed my hand. James can you do it again for me please?
It took a few minutes but he did it again.
Cain: I'll go grab the doctor
I went outside and the doctors were at the nurses desk
Cain: he's waking up. He squeezed her hand
We ran back to the room and his eyes were open and he started coughing in a panic
Dr Karev: you're okay James it's just a tube. We're gonna remove it for you now. I need you to try and stay calm. I know it's scary but you're gonna feel better in a second
He removed the tube and James started coughing. James looked really confused.
Chas: here take a sip of water
Chas pushed the straw to his lips and James drank some water.
Chas: how are you feeling?
James: who?
Chas: what's going on?
Dr Shepherd did some neuro checks
Dr Shepherd: Do you know where you are?
He looked around confused
Dr Shepherd: can you tell me your name?
James: I erm I
Dr Shepherd: that's okay. You're name is James and you're in the hospital. Do recognise the people in this room?
He nodded
Dr shepherd: do you know their names?
James just shook his head

James pov
What the fuck happened? Where am I? Why is he asking all these questions?
??: I'm dr shepherd and this is dr Karev. We are gonna take you to do some tests to make you feel better.
Dr Karev: you can call me Alex.
I just nodded. I looked around the room. Where have I seen these people before?
Dr Shepherd: how are you feeling?
James: h-hurts
Dr Shepherd: Can you tell me what hurts?
James: erm m-my erm
Dr shepherd: how about if you just point?
I pointed to my head
Dr Shepherd: we're gonna take you to see why your head is hurting
They took me to a room with a big machine.
Alex: the machine is gonna get really loud so we'll give you some ear plugs. I know that it can be scary so if you need to you can talk to us. You ready?
I just nodded

Alex pov
Derek started the scan. During the scan I just kept my eye on James. I had noticed some slight spasms in his hand
Alex: Derek can you see that?
Derek: what?
Alex: he's having slight muscle spasms
Derek: it should be fine
I just kept an eye on him while talking to Derek
James: Mr?
Derek: which one James?
James: I forgot name.
Derek: me?
James: No. one other
Alex: my name is Alex
James: Alex feel weird
Alex: weird how?
James: f-fuzzy
I turned to Derek
Derek: he's gonna have a seizure
We rushed into the room and he started forcefully convulsing. Derek pushed some medication to stop the seizure. We took him back up to the room.
Mr Dingle: how is he?

James dingleWhere stories live. Discover now