Running away

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Next day
Dad: James
James: what dad
Dad: enough of the attitude. Get down these stairs
I went downstairs. Dad was actually sober
Dad: sit down we need to talk
I sat at the table and dad was sat opposite.
Dad: what's going on James?
James: nothing
Dad: smoking weed and getting caught by police. Getting a caution. Possibly getting expelled at school. When is this gonna stop James?
James: I'm sorry
Dad: I want you to be better than me. I want you to actually do something with your life
James: I know and I promise I'm trying but it's just hard. I don't know why I'm like this but I  try to be good I promise
We sat in silence
James: dad why did Chas leave?
Dad looked thrown back by that question
Dad: I guess we just didn't love each other anymore and you reminded her too much of me I guess. She couldn't handle your energy
James: I was too much
I could tell dad was getting uncomfortable
Dad: you have some schoolwork to do so take my laptop. I'm gonna go job hunting today so you'll be alone.
James: cool
Dad: I won't be back until later. I'll leaves some money on the table so order yourself some food
James: okay. Dad?
Dad: yeah
James: do you ever regret meeting Chas?
Dad: what's brought all this up?
James: I saw Chas yesterday
Dad: what?
James: when I got arrested they couldn't reach you so they called mum and she came down and tried to apologise and I got annoyed and we had something to eat and I
Dad: James slow down. Take a breath
James: I got mad at her and walked out. Do you regret having me?
Dad: of course not. You're my son. I've got to get going I'll see you later. I'm gonna be checking that work
James: calm bye

I took his laptop and started the work. After about 10 minutes it got boring so I just started playing my PlayStation. I ordered a Chinese and sat on the sofa eating until I heard the front door slam. Oh shit. I heard a thud and dad muttering to himself. He was obviously hammered. He walked into the front room and dashed a bottle at me. Shards of glass pressed into my face
Dad: No one will hire me because I have a retard of a kid who keeps causing me problems
I started getting pissed off
James: No you can't get a job because you're a loser. You're not good at anything. You're a nobody. You beat on your kid to make yourself feel better.
He came over and grabbed me then threw me into the wall. As soon as I hit the ground he started laying into me and kicking me. After he finished, I stumbled out the door and ran until I was far away from dad. I picked up some weed then kept running. I saw a garage and walked inside. There was a girl working on a car
??: can I help you?
Everything was spinning and I couldn't focus. That familiar fuzzy feeling came back
James: I erm I I erm
??: Dad!

Cain pov
Debbie: Dad!
I went to Debbie and there was a kid that looked battered.
Cain: hey kid you okay?
He was just staring into space. I sat him down at my desk and noticed a medical bracelet.
James Leroy Kelly
Cain: he's having a seizure
Debbie: what do we do?
Cain: I don't know
He moved and all of a sudden he started crying
James: ow ow
Cain: what hurts?
James: everything
Cain: what happened?
James: I can't say. I'm not allowed.
Cain: can I take a look?
He just shook his head
Cain: James I can't help you if you don't let me see
James: I never told you my name
Cain: it's on your bracelet
James: oh. Did I have a seizure?
Cain: yeah you did but it was okay. It didn't last long and you were just staring
James: oh okay that's good I guess
Cain: show me where it hurts kid
He slowly lifted up his hoodie. The kid was covered in bruises and marks.
Cain: who done this?
James: just some kids at school. It's nothing. Do you know where I can find Chas Dingle?
Cain: why are you looking for her?
James: if you're not gonna tell me I'll find her myself
He stood up and fell back down.
Debbie: I'll go and call her
James: what's your name?
Cain: I'm Cain and the girl here is my daughter Debbie
James: cool
Cain: so how often do you have seizures?
James: I don't know I'm normally by myself when I have them. A few i guess.
Cain: who do you live with? Don't they help?
James: I live with my dad but he's always away for work
Cain: what about your mum?
James: she left when I was 3
Cain: couldn't have been easy
James: how can I miss someone who I don't remember?
Cain: I guess
Debbie walked back in
Debbie: I called Chas and she's on her way
Cain: what did you say?
Debbie: that a kid was looking for her. She seemed to know who i  was on about
Cain: really?
Debbie: yeah
I turned to speak to James but he was just staring. Chas walked in
Chas: what's going on?
Cain: lemme talk to you outside. Debbie keep an eye on him.

Me and Chas went outside
Cain: who's the kid and why's he looking for you?
Chas: he's my son
Cain: what?
Chas: I couldn't do it. I left him like I left aaron. He was too much to handle
Cain: how'd you find him?
Chas: he got arrested for possession and they couldn't reach his dad so they called me to get him.
Cain: possession?
Chas: weed
Cain: how old is he?
Chas: 11
Cain: there's something you should know?
Chas: what Cain?
Cain: He's been battered. He says it was kids from school but I'm not sure. He has boot marks which looks to be an adult foot
Chas: I'll talk to him. He might not trust me so I'll see how much I can get out of him
Debbie: Dad! Dad! It's James!
We ran inside and James was on the floor harshly convulsing. After a few minutes, it stopped. We just sat around waiting for him to wake up. He tried to sit up and screamed out in pain
Chas: what hurts?
He looked at her confused.
James: I i erm urgh
He was getting frustrated
Chas: what's wrong James?
James: d-d er d urgh
He was getting even more frustrated
Debbie: he hasn't fully come around.
He started crying then sat up
Chas: what's going on?
James: nothing

James dingleWhere stories live. Discover now