Telling them bout dad

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Chas: what's going on James?
James: nothing it doesn't matter
Chad: James what's it like at home?
James: it's fine
Chad: James
James: seriously it's fine I was making a fuss for no reason
Chas: James if you don't tell me I can't help you. Now Cain told me about some of your bruises. They look like boot marks from an adult
James: it's just older kids at school
Chas: don't lie to me James
James: it's nothing honest. It was just older kids cause I owed them money
Chas: money from what James?
He then looked scared
James: erm I started dealing and I got caught and it pissed them off because they lost money
Chas took his hands in hers
Chas: James I need you to calm down
James: I erm I can't. I weren't allowed to tell anyone. I erm I
He started hyperventilating. Within a few seconds he started staring again. He then started blinking again.
Chas: James I need you to be honest with me okay. You need to tell me the truth so then I can help you. Does your dad hurt you?
James: No i erm i get into fights
Chas: James
James: fine. he's nice when he's sober but when he drinks he gets so mad. I can't do it anymore. Please help me
He broke down crying and Chas hugged him

Chas pov
I can't believe this. How long has this been going on?
Chas: it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay. You're gonna stay with me for today and I'll talk to your dad okay.
James: okay
Chas: can you stand up?
He started staring again before blinding a few seconds later
Chas: can you stand up?
He tried to stand up but he was very unbalanced. I held his hands while he got up as he was very unsteady. His hands went straight to his ribs.
James: ah shit
Chas: is it hurting?
James: mhm
Chas: we'll go to the hospital
James: no. They're only bruised it's fine.
Chas: if it gets worse we're going
James: okay

James pov
I followed Chas to a pub.
James: you live here?
Chas: yeah. I own it
James: cool
Chas: right come on
We went upstairs to the place. There was some guy there.
??: who's this?
Chas: Aaron this is your little brother James. James meet Aaron
Aaron: hi
James: I'm going outside
I went outside and rolled a joint. I lit it and just sat there smoking.
??: you shouldn't be smoking that
I turned round and aaron was stood there
James: fuck off aaron
Aaron: mum will kill you
I just shrugged my shoulders
James: just leave me alone
Aaron: mum told me to talk to you
James: well I don't want to talk so leave me alone and she's not my mum
I got up and walked off. I ended up at some allotments. I just sat here and finished the joint. I went back to Chas' and sat on the sofa
Chas: we need to talk. Why do you stink of weed?
James: I have no idea
Chas: have you got any on you?
James: no
Chas: turn your pockets inside out now
I did and nothing fell out.
Chas: I want no drugs in this house you hear me.
James: yeah whatever
Chas: I've just had your dad on the phone and he's coming to get your
Ah shit. I'm fucked
James: when's he coming?
Chas: in about an hour
James: I can't go back there. You can't let him get me.
Chas: there's not much I can do he has custody
James: cause you left. The least you can do is stop him from getting me
Chas: James
James: No you don't understand I told you everything. You don't know what he'll do to me
Chas: James
James: you know what I fucking hate you. I wish you didn't come back. You should've just stayed gone. Should've just left me at the station. You've walked back in my life just to ruin it
Aaron: don't talk to her like that
James: you can fuck off as well
Aaron: I don't know who you think you are but you gotta start showing some respect
James: I didn't ask for your opinion so shut the fuck up
Chas: James
James: you know what forget it

I walked out and was just walking around town. I went to the garage and Cain and Debbie were still there.
Cain: hey kid
James: you know anywhere I can hide
Debbie: what you hiding for?
James: my dads coming. I can't go back there
Debbie: you can stay at mine
James: thank you
Debbie: just hang out here I'm done in a few minutes
James: you can't tell anyone where I am
Cain: okay
James: promise me
Both: we promise

After a few minutes I walked with Debbie to her house. We went in.
Debbie: you're gonna have to stay on the couch.
Two kids ran down the stairs
Jack: mummy
Debbie: hello you little trouble maker
Jack: who's that?
Debbie: this is James he's gonna stay here for a little bit
??: hi James I'm Sarah
James: cool
Debbie: do you have any allergies?
James: egg and nuts
Debbie: okay. You good with chicken and rice?
James: yeah
Debbie: okay
James: can I get a quick shower?
Debbie: sure there's a towel in the cupboard and I'll get you some clothes
James: thank you
I went upstairs and had a shower. Debbie left me a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. The t shirt was too small. I got dressed and went downstairs.
Sarah: why have you got so many bruises?
Debbie looked at me sympathetically
James: I fall down a lot. I'm just really clumsy
Sarah: oh okay
James: have you got any other T-shirts?
Debbie: have a look in the wardrobe in my bedroom. It might be too big tho
James: that's fine
I went upstairs and found the tshirt. It was just a plain black one. I went back downstairs.
Jack: watch with us
James: what you watching?
Jack: Garfield
James: cool
I sat with them on the sofa.
Debbie: dinner
We had dinner then Sarah and Jack went upstairs to bed.
James: Debbie?
Debbie: yeah
James: do you think my dad will find me?
Debbie: I'm not sure. But we're gonna try and protect you okay?
James: okay
Debbie went upstairs then I fell asleep

Next day
I woke up and Cain and Debbie were talking.
Debbie: dad you gotta tell him. They stopped talking as soon as I sat up.
James: tell me what Cain?
I looked at Cain and he looked guilty
James: my dads coming to get me isn't he?
Cain: I'm sorry kid he followed me yesterday
James: it's fine he was gonna find me eventually. I should go I don't want to make him mad
Cain: me and Debbie have put our numbers in your phone so if you need anything just call
James: thank you. I'm guessing he's with Chas
Cain: yeah. Give her a chance James. She just doesn't know how to connect with you
James: maybe
I left and walked to chas' where dad was waiting outside. I got in the car and dad started driving. He was driving really fast and kept swerving off the road.
Dad: what did you tell them?
James: nothing I swear. I said I got into a fight at school
Dad: you best be telling the truth
James: you've been drinking. You shouldn't be driving. Dad please. Stop. I'll drive us back. Dad!
He just ignored me and started going faster
James: Dad please slow down
Dad: shut up
He began driving on the other side of the road
James: Dad look out! Dad!
Before he could react we were hit and sandwiched between two trucks. I felt pain every where. I got my phone and the screen was cracked. I scrolled through my contacts. Debbie

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