The crash

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Debbie pov
Debbie: Ross go away and actually do the job I'm paying you for
Ross: alright alright I'm going. You're always so serious
Dad: Debs your phone keeps going off
He passed me the phone and I looked at the caller
Debbie: Dad it's been James. I have 5 missed calls.
I rang him back
Debbie: James
James: hurts car bad drunk
Debbie: you're not making sense James
James: I i er tired I s-sleep d-dark
Debbie: No you can't go to sleep James. I need you to stay awake. Keep talking to me. What year are you in at school?
James: s-seven
Debbie: so you just started high school. How are you finding it?
James: bad go bad school kid i erm h-head hurt fuzzy
Dad: where are you kid?
James: d-dark
Debbie: can I speak to your dad?
James: s-sleep. H-head
It went quiet
Debbie: James? James? Keep talking to me
No answer
Dad: this is bad
I stayed on the phone. I could hear shuffling and grunting. 
Debbie: James can you hear me?
After a few minutes it just went silent. The grunting and shuffling started again. It was like this for the next ten to twenty minutes.
??: hello?
Debbie: who is this?
??: I'm paramedic Jack Gibson. There's been a terrible RTC.
Debbie: how's James?
Jack: who?
Debbie: the kid
Jack: he's going into multiple seizures that we're struggling to control. He's got a few major injuries. At the moment the fire service are trying to find a way to get him out as he is pinned in
Debbie: how bad is it?
Jack: it's not good
Debbie: what hospital would he be going to?
Jack: the closest is Hotten General
Debbie: okay
Call ended
Dad: I need to go and tell Chas. I'll meet you down there

Cain pov
That poor kid. I walked over to the woolpack
Cain: Vic have you seen Chas?
Vic: she's out back changing barrels
I went out to her
Cain: Chas we need to talk
Chas: what's going on?
Cain: it's James. There's been an accident
Chas: what do you mean an accident? What happened?
Cain: I'm not sure but he rang him and he was saying Debbie missed his calls so rang him back and he was saying that he was hurt and we tried to keep him talking. He was having multiple seizures. They were trying to get him out because he was pinned in. They're gonna take him to Hotten General
Chas: i erm I need to get there. I erm I shouldn't have let him go back. This is my fault Cain. I couldn't protect him.
Cain: Chas calm down. I'll drive.
We drove down to Hotten general. We walked towards the receptionist
Cain: has a boy come in? He was involved in an accident. They said he was coming here.
Receptionist: who's asking?
Chas: I'm his mum
Receptionist: we have a medic and surgical team prepared we're just waiting for them to arrive.
We sat down in the waiting area. Chas was zoned out, fiddling with her fingers and her leg was bouncing. I put my hand on her leg. She looked at me.
Cain: it's gonna be okay.
She rested her head on my shoulder and was fidgeting with my hands
Cain: Chas look at me. He's gonna be okay
Chas: no Cain you don't understand. If I just let him stay he wouldn't of been with him. This is all my fault. I knew he was drinking but he just said he was tired. I should've trusted myself. I knew something wasn't right
Cain: there's nothing you can do now. He's gonna need loads of support so let's focus on that.
After a while Chas fell asleep on my shoulder. All of a sudden the doors were pushed open causing Chas to jump awake. The paramedics were bringing in a gurney. We both looked over and it was James. He was seizing. The doctors ran outside
Paramedic: we've got James Kelly. Roughly 11/12 years old. Involved in a RTC. Broken right leg, broken right arm, large laceration on his left leg, chest and stomach. Medium lacerations on his face. Hasn't regained consciousness and in and out of seizures.
Chas: oh my god
The doctors took over while chas ran over
Chas: what has he done?
She took one look at James then ran outside.
Cain: will you tell us if anything changes?
Doctor: of course we're gonna take him up to surgery now.
They took James and I went outside to Chas.
Chas: Cain what if he doesn't make it?
Cain: you can't think like that. Why don't you go home and get some stuff? I'll ring you if there's any updates
Chas: okay

I was just sat in the waiting room. Moira and Adam walked in
Moira: Chas is a mess. what's going on? Chas was just rambling about the hospital
Cain: Chas' son is here. There was an accident.
Adam: what? Aaron? I've just seen him. He's helping Debbie
Cain: No she's got a younger son. His names James. He lives with his dad
Moira: how bad is it?
Cain: it's bad. He has cuts everywhere and he's in and out of seizures that they're finding it difficult to control. He got rushed into surgery straight away
Moira: how long have you been here?
Cain: a few hours
Adam: has anything been said?
Cain: No not yet still waiting

A few more hours went by.
Doctor: Family of James Kelly?
Cain: that's us
Doctor: is his mother here?
Cain: she's at home but you can tell me I'm his uncle
Doctor: my name is dr Karev and I'm one of the pediatric surgeons on his case.
Cain: can we see him? How is he? Is he okay? How bad is it?
Dr Karev: we've had to place some plates and screws into his arm and leg so that it heals correctly as it was a very severe break. We've stitched the lacerations on his left leg, chest, stomach and on his face. He has a major brain injury which is causing his brain to swell. We are giving him medication to help the swelling go down. The seizures are still uncontrollable. We've had to place him into a medically induced coma. This is just to allow his brain to begin healing. You can go and see him but just prepare yourselves as it will look scary. He's not gonna look the same as usual. There's gonna be a lot of tubes and wires attached to him. They're there to help him recover.
Cain: okay can we see him now?
Dr Karev: yeah sure I'll take you now.
Cain: thank you I'm just gonna ring his mum
Adam: Cain you mind if I go in and see him?
Cain: go on
I called Chas and she was happy and scared. I walked into the room and the kid looked so tired and hurt.
Adam: how can someone do this to a kid?

After a while, Chas arrived and walked in.
Chas: oh my god. Have they said anything?
Cain: they had to place some plates and screws into his arm. He has lacerations over most of his body. He has a major brain injury which is causing his brain to swell.
They put him into a coma to help his brain recover
Chas: is there any news on his dad?
Cain: No. I can ask
Chas: No it's fine I'll go
Cain: don't you want to stay with James?
Chas: No
Moira and Adam looked confused and Chas walked out
Moira: what was that about?
Cain: she blames herself
Moira: oh

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