Day in the life

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We walked to the office. We went in and sat down. Dad was also there. He looked pissed.
James: dad
Dad: shut up and sit down
Miss Webb: you've really hurt that kid James
James: he started it
Miss Webb: well Liam and a few other boys have said that you swung for Liam unprovoked.
James: they're lying.
Mr Carter: you've been given chance after chance and quite frankly we don't know what to do. You're getting worse James.
Everything that we keep putting in place doesn't work. I have no choice but to suspend you for two days. After your suspension is done we'll have a meeting with you and dad to discuss whether this school is the right place for you
I looked over at dad and he was pissed and I knew it wasn't gonna end well for me. Great
Dad: you gonna send him work? Cause I'm not having him at home doing nothing
Mr Keane: don't worry mr kelly he'll be sent a folder of the work so he doesn't miss out. The work will be online. All work will be sent in the morning and I expect all work to be sent to your teachers by the end of the school day.
Dad: okay
Mr Carter: that's all for today. I'll be in touch with a date and time for the meeting
Dad shook hands with them and I had already walked out. Dad walked out after me.
Dad: I suggest you get your arse back here right now
James: dad I'm sorry. He started on me.

We got to the car and began driving home
Dad: I don't give a fuck. I told you that I don't want any phone calls from the school let alone being called in. I got called away from work. What did I say to you on the phone earlier?
James: If you get another call I'm in for it. But dad he started on me for no reason. I didn't even know him.
Dad: I don't care. When are you gonna learn? I had a phone call from Miss Davis and Mr Carter. I didn't want one let alone two.
James: dad I'm sorry. I'm trying. I really am
Dad: No you're not trying. If you were trying you wouldn't be pissing me off like this. I'm down that school near enough every day and I'm sick of it
We got home.
Dad: go straight to your room I have to go back to work
I walked in and just went on my PlayStation. A few hours later dad walked in slamming the door behind him. Great
Dad: (slurring) oi you little shit. Get your arse down these stairs right now. Don't make me come up there!
I went downstairs and dad was drunk
Dad: (slurring) I lost my job because of you. Why did your mum leave me with a useless hyperactive spastic like you huh? What did I do to deserve it?
James: you lost your job because your an alcoholic. You lost your job because you're a loser. No wonder why mum left you. Why did I get stuck with a dad like you?
That was it.

Dad threw me against the wall and was punching and kicking me. I ended up on the floor and he started stamping on me
James: dad I'm sorry I didn't mean it.
After a while he got bored and went back out. My head began to feel a little fuzzy and everything seemed glitchy. I tried to reach my phone and call my cousin Marley. I rang his number
Marley: what's up James?
James: I erm fuzzy. Head. Soon happen
Marley: where's your dad?
James: g-go o-ou-out
Marley: I'm gonna try and reach your dad okay
James: m-mad me. Weird
Marley: let it happen James don't fight it
All of a sudden everything went black

I woke up in the floor. I sat up and everywhere hurt
Marley: you okay? That was quite a long one James
James: f-fine
Marley: I couldn't reach your dad
James: I need go
Call ended
I limped up the stairs and took my hoodie off to see the damage. I was covered in bruises. Some darker than others. I had boot marks, hand marks and belt marks. I put my hoodie back on and got my crocs. Dad left his wallet so I took some money. I left the house and walked around the park.
Jackson: hey James come here
There was a bunch of year 9s. I went over to them and they were smoking and drinking.
Jackson: I heard you beat up Liam today
James: yeah?
Jackson: he deserves it he's a prick to everyone
Charlie: you want some?
James: I don't drink
Charlie: what about this?
He passed over a joint. I took a puff and started coughing.
Charlie: It takes a bit of getting used to
James: this is good
Charlie: I can get you some if you like?
James: yeah sure. Actually can you set me up with your guy?
Charlie: sure
After about an hour, we were walking around. We went to an alleyway where there was a guy standing there
??: usual?
Charlie: yeah make it two. I have a new customer for you
He gave us a small bag then walked off. Charlie went home and I kept walking around.
???: excuse me kid
I turned around and it was a police officer
James: what?
Police: we've had reports of suspicious activity
James: whatever
Police: you got something you shouldn't?
James: no you fucking pig
Police: what was that?
James: oink oink. Fuck off and leave me alone
Police: you wouldn't mind if we search you then?
James: whatever
He began patting me down and searching my pockets.
Police: what have we got here?
He lifted the bag of weed. He handcuffed me.
Police: you're under arrest for the possession of a controlled substance.
We drove to the station. I got processed and after a while the officer came back out. They took me to an interview room and I just sat there.
Police: where did you get it?
James: china
Police: where did you get it from?
James: your mums house. I know my rights. I'm a minor so you can't question me without an adult
Police: you've been let off with a warning. We couldn't get hold of your dad so we've called your mum.
James: why? She wants nothing to do with me.
Police: she's on her way down
James: great.
I just laid my head on my crossed arms on the table.
??: James?
I looked up and Chas was just standing there staring at me
James: if you just gonna stare take a picture it will last longer
Chas: you've grown up so much
James: that's what 8 years does to a kid.
Chas: James I know that I haven't been there
James: you left. You left me with dad
Chas: I'm sorry
James: it's too late for that. You're the one who left. You left. Dad stayed. He may be a selfish prick but he was there.
Chas: James
James: no fuck off. I want nothing to do with you. I hate you
Chas: well you're in here until a parent could get here. Seeing as your dad isn't here, I'm the best chance you got.
James: then leave me here for all I care. I want nothing to do with you
Chas: just give me a chance James
James: fine but doesn't mean you're forgiven
Chas went to sign papers and we left.
Chas: you hungry?
James: no. Just take me home
Chas: I just want to talk
James: fine
Chas: burger and chips?
James: whatever
We walked to the chip shop and sat down. We ordered and started eating.
Chas: how you been?
James: fine
Chas: how's school?
James: alright
Chas: how's your dad?
James: okay
Chas: what did you get arrested for? Don't lie to me James
James: i don't know
Chas: drugs James. Drugs.
James: it was only a bit of weed
Chas: you are 11 James
James: wow you actually know my age
Chas: don't be like that
James: what you expect me to welcome you with open arms? You left. YOU. I was 3 years old asking dad when you were coming home.
Chas: Calm down
James: I used to blame dad for you not being there. But I'm glad you weren't cause you're a selfish bitch
I walked off and went home.
James: Dad?
No answer. I went to my room and fell asleep

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