Chapter 5

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My heart stuttered reading Winter's sudden confession that I was the first guy to truly spellbind her. Me...a mere mortal fan rendering an ethereal idol star struck? It seemed unbelievable.

I stared at my phone, thoughts spiraling. How could she put me on some untouchable pedestal when she occupied the heavenly realm I could only worship from afar? Surely the loneliness of her cloistered industry left Winter more vulnerable to projecting fantasy onto any male friendship.

Still, the fiercely buried part of me starved for her affection swelled dangerously. Temptation to play with fire grew almost irresistible.

I typed back: I'm definitely just an average guy yet you have ME completely under YOUR spell funny I guess we're even?

I held my breath, pulse racing at my daring words toe-ing the line. Our friendship tightrope sure felt flimsy all of a sudden.

Winters POV

Seeing Y/N's name pop up sent my stomach into its familiar swooping freefall. I clutched my phone tighter, afraid of losing my grip on any shred of emotional control.

When his teasing response appeared suggesting I had HIM spellbound too, I squeezed my eyes shut as traitorous longing threatened to overwhelm my better judgment. We were wandering into dangerous mutually addictive territory here...

This sweet, humble boy had no clue about his rare pull on me. From our very first mesmerizing encounter, everything about him drew me like a magnet - his dreamy eyes, never ending patience, that dazzling smile reserved just for me...

Before my willpower vanished, I typed: Yah why would an ordinary girl ever enchant someone like YOU? 🤨 I'm pretty sure you have every woman you meet entranced!

I cringed slightly at my own daring fishing for compliments but couldn't resist testing his reaction. If Y/N got spooked by my boldness, at least I would have my answer about platonic intentions.

My entire body thrummed in suspense for how he would respond to my dangerous baiting. Were we about to cross the line of no return?


I gaped at Winter's teasing message fishing for reassurance that she enthralled me above anyone else. Such rare vulnerability reflected in her words. She truly doubted her goddess-like pull?

My grin turned wicked imagining turning the tables further, lavishing Winter with praise on all her perfections until she blushed that enchanting pink hue I adored. Maybe if I confessed a fraction of my hopeless longing, she would finally believe no woman could compare to her divine radiance in my eyes...

Just then Taeyong's warning floated through my temptation fog, sharp as a bucket of ice: "Getting involved with a celebrity never ends well for us normals, bro. You're gonna crash hard."

I squeezed my eyes shut, exhaling harshly. As deeply as I already cared for kind, genuine Winter, did some subconscious part of me simply enjoy the ego trip of ' bagging' an icon out of my league? Had i become so pathetically addicted to the fantasy I dismissed all rational thought? Winter didn't deserve some blinded fan projecting fairytales onto her.

Gravity sank back around me when I reread Winter's playful baiting message. As much as I yearned to taste that tantalizing fruit, the inevitable bitter ending wasn't worth trading our precious friendship if things soured. No matter how deeply alluring the present temptation...

I steeled myself and typed: You give me WAY too much credit, Winter! I promise girls aren't turning their heads when I walk by lol. Let's just agree to bask silently in each other's awesome company and leave it at that... ;)

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