Chapter 6

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The weeks melted by in a blur of dance rehearsals and messaging Winter in stolen snippets as she toured overseas. Y/N lived for the random selfies and behind the scenes glimpses she sent him from planes, hotels and concert halls along with cute complaints about weather, strange foreign food or grueling schedules.

Even though he missed her fiercely, seeing Winter glow with joy onstage nourishing her soul night after night swelled Y/N's own heart with pride. Her boundless talent and dedication inspired him towards his own dreams.

When she finally returned after two months abroad though, neither could disguise their breathless anticipation to reunite in person soon. But Winter's first week back became consumed with promotional appearances and variety filming instead of rest.

Y/N noticed immediately how her usually bright tone sounded drained over text. When he pressed gently if managing her health, Winter unloaded frustrations over SMC already booking out her schedule months in advance without a real break.

Y/N's protective anger flared instantly imagining Winter being run to the bone by management who saw her only as a product. But Winter just sighed it was an unavoidable aspect of the industry. She appreciatively welcomed Y/N's fierce virtual hug though, confessing she really craved his real arms instead...

Y/N's heart twisted painfully. He needed to see Winter now and offer whatever comfort he could manage, rules be damned!

So the instant he knew aespa would appear at a fanmeet event near his studio, Y/N hatched a discretely bold plan. The very next morning, Winter awoke to a simple mysterious text from Y/N: Check the side door during the hi-touch section today. Trust me!

All through dance class Y/N jittered anxiously, equal parts thrilled and terrified over his secret plot to intercept Winter. He easily scored VIP entry to the fanmeet thanks to loyal MY fanclub connections.

When aespa finally took the stage dazzling the arena with their sharp moves, Y/N completely forgot his mission temporarily, as always awestruck anew by Winter's goddess aura. Her sweet smile spotting him standing front row left his knees weak.

But during the autograph session, Y/N kept glancing towards the side door leading backstage. His noona friend manning the entry raised her eyebrows in amusement letting him sneak past security. Heart in throat, Y/N waited just out of sight...

Right on cue during hi-touch, Winter's surprised face appeared around the door searching for her mysterious summoner. The instant their eyes met, Y/N watched hers blow wide in stunned exhilaration. His own pulse exploded as Winter broke protocol and dove straight into his ready embrace.

"Oh my god, you're really here!" Winter squealed into Y/N's shoulder, his strong arms Bandaging tight around her petite frame nearly sweeping her feet off the floor. "I can't believe you found a way to get backstage just to see me!"

"I'd find a way to the moon if it meant seeing your smile up close again," Y/N murmured sincerely, heartbeat deafening with Winter snug in his arms after endless lonely nights missing her.

Winter drew back first despite her reluctant pout, needing to get back onstage before the lineup grew suspicious over her delay. But her eyes glimmered brighter than any spotlight as she gazed up at him.

"Sneaky oppa pulling a Romeo move just when I needed it most...have I told you lately how perfectly sweet you are?" Winter whispered, squeezing Y/N's hand tightly in gratitude before slipping away.

Y/N watched her disappear, awed disbelief settling in his veins. He couldn't remember the last time someone called him 'sweet' or seemed so genuinely happy in his presence. That radiant smile he put on Winter's angelic face? His new life purpose hands down...

Goddess of MY Dreams | AESPA Winter x MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now