Chapter 8

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With their connection blazing strong again, Y/N and Winter floated through packed schedules anticipating their next stolen moments together. Late night convos and flufs of affection by text kept their spirits lit in between.

When tour prep allowed Winter a quick minute back in Seoul, she and Y/N went full-on crazy mode spending every possible hour together - strolling along the Han River eating hotteok, sipping hot cocoa at obscure cafes while dreaming about the future.

Other nights they cooked up ramyeon in Y/N's tiny studio kitchen, laughter boinging off the walls louder than the retro Kpop blasting while they danced around. Lounging on Y/N's lumpy couch watching anime into the wee hours felt more comfy than any fancy penthouse suite cuz they could just exist freely.

Cinderella dipped early from the royal ball to treasure last moments with her boo instead of glam gala gossip. Quality time together shone brighter than any crystal chandelier, ya know?

But every fun moment inevitably stops when that midnight clock strikes, signaling back to mundane life. As Winter's departure date crept closer, her grip on Y/N turned vice-like. Just imagining the brutal weeks ahead already felt jinjja crushing after finally reconnecting their hearts post-drama.

Noticing Winter stressing, Y/N gently persuaded her to unwind that second last night at his fave dance studio open session instead of more useless worrying.

"We can still fully vibe together through dance instead of just moping til we cry a river by goodbye time you know?" Y/N coaxed softly, squishing her cheeks.

Although Winter pouted about wanting her oppa's undivided coddling, she reluctantly agreed that ending their night smiling sounded better than ugly sobs later.

So Y/N led his grumbling cutie inside the familiar practice room which worked its magic for them before during darker days. Good memories instantly softened Winter's mood until Y/N started scrolling his phone playlist instead, hints of cheeky mischief in his smile.

When that playfully retro drumbeat rang out, Winter nearly fan-girled recognizing the bubbly 90's pop jam "Candy" by legendary sunbaes H.O.T!

As Y/N started singing into an air-mic with signature old school moves, Winter burst into giggles at his spot-on boyband swag throwing it back. Unable to resist, she jumped in mimicking the female response role, hip-checking Y/N in perfect sync while hair-flipping the fanchant along.

Both soon collapsed against each other from laughing too much, nostalgia and carefreeness making their interlocked hands sway together happily off-beat.

Until Y/N suddenly spun Winter out quick then yanked her back into a flawless dip-and-slide that sparked that sweet tension between them again. Winter got bold and went for a dramatic knee-slide between Y/N's legs in response.

"Yah!" Y/N yelled in mock offense, clutching his chest before pulling Winter up flush against him. As that final epic guitar riff hit, his hand slid down Winter's waist and thigh eliciting a sharp gasp.

When the music cut, both stood panting heavily with racing hearts, electricity charging the air. But then the opening organ riff of Nell's slower ballad "The Day Before" filtered through, shifting their mood gently.

Smiles turned sentimental as Y/N hugged Winter close, arms circling her petite shoulders. Swaying to the sorrowful melody cocooned them blissfully together - no space left unwedged.

Winter exhaled shakily when Y/N started half-whispering the bittersweet lyrics in his captivating low voice directly into her ear, his calloused fingertips tracing deliciously torturous patterns down her skin.

"Like a habit ...just being together is enough for me now..."

Eyes squeezed tight, Winter leaned heavily against Y/N's sturdy frame built just for her as the feelz intensified. When he dipped their entwined bodies low, suspended euphoria crested dangerously high.

Every micro-motion spun their yearning star-bound beyond humanity's gravitational pull - towards that unknown thrill plummet rush point of no return...

So when the song ended echoing the final whispered "I love you", Winter broke first - crashing her hungry mouth desperately to Y/N's equally starving lips. The unquenched yet still unsated thirst after lifetimes starved compelled their bodies and souls to drink deeper...

They swayed gently still fused by the lips as the next ballad emerged, heartbeat pulses realigning now with shared sweet air flowing freely through their lungs at heaven's own divine manna.

Dread was gonzo regarding future separation thanks to this seedy practice room rebirth supernova. No petty mortal fear could outmatch Destiny's resolve now. The past damage got repaired when Fate boldly re-placed their shattered pieces back tougher tonight! Tis why love stays undefeated against puny human logic, ya heard?

Regretfully though, Y/N had to pump Winter's brakes when that sweet friction revving between them started redlining too soon. But they kept holding each other close even while heart-rates returned normal rpm, foreheads tipped affectionately touching.

"Still think some lil distance gonna keep me from you now, nae sarang?" Y/N whispered gruffly in her ear.

A burst of rebellious determination exploded in Winter as she clung to him fiercely. "I'll sneak onto every train and red-eye needed between tour stops to reach you if I must, oppa!" She squeezed every ounce of threat possible while refusing to unlock herself fully from Y/N's securing frame.

Dangerous desire to claim and lock his girl down 24/7 flared in Y/N then while staring at Winter's flawless obstinate face choosing him still despite their impossible situation. Possessive masculine pride swelled dangerously unchecked.

Cupping her delicate jaw, Y/N rasped his forever vow raw and reverent against her dreamy lips once more:

"I'm eternally yours now until the stars lose all their fire and glory're my whole universe, Winter."

Later when parting proved non-negotiable outside in the cold grey dawn, Winter clung desperately as if permanently merging to Y/N's side through fused skin and bone. Already the bleak friendless weeks looming without his smile felt crushing bone-deep.

But Y/N just smiled gently, thumb catching her single tear betrayal before it fell, reminding her softly:

"We got this, babygirl. We already weathered worse storms remember? This is just another season..."

One last passionate kiss sealed their unbreakable commitment no hardship could shake. Then Winter bravely stepped into the waiting van without looking back this time. Her heart's tears already dried by tangible hope and sweet memories relived...

That dance studio soulmate reactivation powered them through subsequent weeks grinding solo on their paths which soon fatefully intertwined once again...towards the world finally recognizing the glorious exception to every odd already long self-evident privately between two unwavering loyal hearts.

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