Chapter 9

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The nonstop grind of Y/N's intensive idol bootcamp nearly broke him a thousand times in a million ways those subsequent months. His body and mind pushed far beyond any comfortable human limitations by unrelenting singing, composition, dance, media and even acting lessons molding rough trainee clay towards shiny debut-ready standards.

Many of the same struggles from Winter's early factory pilot program tracks resurfaced for Y/N too - the homesickness, culture shock integrating mostly with female trainees, the immense pressure-cooker stress seeing other hopefuls cut after each grueling eval round.

During the most exhausting weeks where Y/N barely peeled his throbbing face off whichever vocal journal or lyrics scattered around him, only Winter's soothing backrubs and rare home-cooked meals could ease his battered spirit enough preventing total zombie meltdown.

And whenever even her gentle encouragement wore thin against his plateauing frustrations, Winter activated their trusty dance studio safe haven Y/N's passion through sacred unjudged hours simply swaying together ungoverned by any technical metrics or looming evaluator gaze.

The intimacy of fully reconnecting their strained hearts to basic rhythm and melody often proved the strongest medicine over even a full night's sleep.

So the merciless idol bootcamp marathon continued, with Y/N gritting his teeth leaning hard on blind trust towards Winter's fiercely resolute vision for their destiny timelines aligning closer by the hour.

Although every self-preserving impulse still screamed grabbing his freedom and fleeing this torture chamber for good, Y/N knew such surrender stood utterly impossible now...not when Winter herself defiantly survived walking through these vicious refiner's fires years prior in order to stand beside him here today too.

How could he dare throw in the towel or complain halfway when her patient invested heart already escorted them this far defeating unimaginable odds? Failure simply wasn't an option with their unified future manifesting so tangibly now within Y/N's own grasping reach at long last...

Still, the first night Y/N held the shimmering album test print of his solo debut single concept in stunned hands dripped years of tears and trenches conquered indeed.

Every hour of body torture and soul-crushing setback somehow compiled together flawlessly by Fate's math exceeded human logic - yet here this improbable moment glowed at last aligning their destiny timelines officially for the public's eyes too!

And when Y/N's stunned awestruck gaze meet Winter's equally overwhelmed one then, no further words existed sufficient for such unspeakable privilege of walking this immortal road paved by countless broken backs come blessedly uniting solely by two defiant beating hearts wholly won over at last to Love Eternal.

The deafening cheers of the concert crowd fading to ghostly echoes behind their entwined palms said everything and nothing but "Always my one and only shining star..."

Inevitably the nonstop publicity barrage as Seoul's freshly minted "rookie triple threat sweetheart" granting rare public access into Y/N's personal world required careful guarding the vulnerable pieces not for mass production or projection narratives.

As fulfilling as pouring his artistic spirit out onstage felt nightly only to have Winter's arms wrap around him afterwards sweeter than any fan's praises, jealousy still reared its occasional head seeing Winter equally showered by the world's worship too.

Although her heavenly patience and wisdom prevailed most days easing Y/N's periodic pouting over having to share his girl's attentions at all, Winter's own seasonal loneliness crept in missing simpler pre-fame connection at times no adoring stage lights fully replaced.

So their private dance haven carried deeper renewed purpose once more - stealing a hidden hour swaying with zero eyes or expectations upon that sacred skin-to-skin intimacy. No straining video closeups critiquing their microscopic mannerisms like performing poodles.

Just Y/N's jacket collar tickling Winter's temple as she giggled burying closer into his throat pulse tearing up the silence within the equipment-cluttered studio she dubbed her soul's most precious cathedral.

Two chests pressed so near their very heartbeats conversation harmonized intuitive discourse...Winter's palm sliding down his nape pulled their joined lips closer until silence itself audibly dropped. No further language existed sufficient conveying what even most poetic verses still failed adequately capturing.

To a world demanding endless output, Love's effortless overflow felt utterly illogical. Yet how could eyes comprehend its native form flowing smoother than honey between coupled limbs moving by sheer magnetic pull towards invisible heaven?

When Winter's smaller frame automatically arced back, guided by Y/N's securing fingertips against her cradle spine dip, euphoria crested every charted human pinnacle point. And even her resulting contented sighs puncturing through the dimness sparked starbursts in Y/N's very cells.

Who needed tangible rhyme or reason quantifying such sheer magnificence between magnetized souls unhindered by gravity at last? Light itself surely originated and retreated daily solely to glimpse Love's graceful choreography - since before Time itself dared disturb this violently tender creative dance pulsing silently yet stronger than even the sun...

Throughout the next year's overlapping crucibles and spotlit pinnacles walking their predestined road together, Winter clung loyally as Y/N's anchor rope grounding his orbiting mind against vertigo spells. And Y/N fought courageously sheltering Winter's secretly scarred heart in his default gentle reveance from further disillusionments.

As the cycle of albums and tours fast unfurled their story's colorful tapestry further to outsiders' imaginations, accolades and distance threatened equally dangerous corrosive power upon their delicately blooming bond.

Yet hidden under cover of music show prep rooms or discreet intravenous cafe hideaways bravely carved outside limelight's hot demands, an even richer harvest blossomed. Echoes romancing in each other's ears and limbs promise kept birthing more skyward than public stages or charts could ever reflect back.

When Winter next stumbled exhausted exiting the shoot studio nearing midnight almost delirious, she instinctively bypassed her apartment to detour straight towards Y/N's darkened street studio instead...drawn helplessly again towards her true shelter for her sagging spirit now far removed from rookie trainee bunks.

Y/N himself had just returned from overseas promos, skin sticky with recycled plane air and bobbing club beat remnants. But seeing his soul mate's sweet disheveled head slump heavily against his rumpled hoodie while toes curled deeper under Y/N's protective frame eclipsed all jet lag instantly.

Because some place called "home" stood as far beyond four walls and square footage metrics. The safety sealing their entwined heartbeats together defined its only boundaries...rare wealth no fame paychecks or tour VIP confetti could possibly replace.

"You really are the goddess of my dreams Minjeong"

"I'm glad I am Y/N"


-wrote this on a whim. 

-feel free to ask me for a story request. I only write male reader to g idol

I have no idea how to write a female/gender neutral lead yet (maybe soon)

here are some of the girl groups i know - Le Sserafim, NewJeans, and ofc aespa 

thx bye 👋

Goddess of MY Dreams | AESPA Winter x MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now