Chapter 2

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"Elsa, over here!" 

"No, Elsa, sit with us!" 


Elsa was overwhelmed as she walked into the lunchroom, a salad in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. She didn't even know the people calling out to her and she was only looking for one person, her sister.

"Hey, Elsa." Someone bumped her arm and she turned, seeing Kristoff with a burger and fruit in his hands. "You can sit with me today if you want."

"That's really nice Kristoff, and I would love to, but I'm trying to find my sister." She replied.

"Oh, Anna? I think she's sitting with Hans today, but you don't want to sit with them, and neither does she, but you should learn to let go sometimes right?" He had a point, but his comment just made Elsa more nervous; who was Hans and why shouldn't Anna and Elsa want to sit with him? 

"Um, I guess you're right. I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit with someone else for a change. Where do you sit?" Kristoff motioned for Elsa to follow as he led them to a circular table in the corner. Three other people sat there; a guy with black hair and tanned body, a girl with red hair and agile figure, and a guy with bright orange hair and pale skin. Kristoff sat next to the guy with the orange hair and Elsa sat by the redhead. "Guys, this is Elsa. Elsa, this is Nemo, Eric, and Ariel."

Elsa waved and the girl next to her, Ariel, squealed. "Ah! Another girl, finally!" She hugged Elsa, taking the girl by surprise. "These guys are starting to drive me crazy!"

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Ariel right?" Elsa asked.

Ariel nodded. "You were in my gym class last hour, I was the one doing laps in the pool. Ah, I love free days."

"Oh, yeah, I think I remember you, but to be honest, I've met so many people today, I can't get everyone straight."

The boys at the table chuckled. "Well, if you need the gossip around here, see Rapunzel, she's at the table over there," Kristoff pointed to a table in the middle of the cafeteria where 7 people were sitting. "The girl with the crazy long blonde hair? That's Rapunzel. The six of them are the most popular people in the school and the rumor is that Rapunzel's hair is so long because it is full of secrets."

Elsa studied the table. There was Rapunzel with the super long hair, a girl in mostly blue with blonde hair up in a bun, another blonde with her arm wrapped around a tall guy with light brown hair. She also noticed Daisy from earlier and another couple, the guy was really muscular with orange hair and the girl was wearing a long dress and her brown hair tied up in a high pony tail. 

"You said the six of them, but there are seven at the table." Elsa pointed out.

"Oh, you see the girl with the dress and the guy she's with?" Nemo started. "That's Megara and Hercules, Meg is the popular one but she's dating Hercules, a jock. He would usually sit at that table," He pointed to a table next to the one in the middle, filled with really hot guys. "but I guess he wanted to sit with Meg today."  

Elsa nodded her understanding but was still very confused. "Do you guys really split up like that? Like in populars and jock? Let me guess, is there a nerd table and cheerleaders too?" Elsa said it sarcastically but her news friends looked at her a little sheepishly.

"Well, yeah, did you not have that at your old school?" Eric asked.

"No! You have to be so shallow to think like this. No offense but this is really weird for me, I mean, where do I fit in?"

"You have to decide what you like. Here, I'll show you the different groups." Ariel volunteered helpfully. "We, are the surfers, easy enough. Over there," She pointed to a group of tables, the one in the middle housing six people, four boys and two girls. "are the skateboarders."

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