Chapter 7

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"Mmmmm." Elsa murmured as the scent of bacon and french toast filled her nostrils on Saturday morning. She hesitantly opened her eyes, letting her eyes adjust to the harsh light filtering through the purple, filmy curtains. It took Elsa a second to remember where she was and why but when she did, a huge smile broke out on her face. Her first day at a new school and she had made five new best friends. How could this get any better?

Elsa sat up, running a hand through her tangled hair as she did so, and looked around. Daisy and Cindy were standing in front of a full length mirror plastered to the inside of the closet door doing their hair. Meg's eyes were still closed but she was stirring slightly and Aurora was still sound asleep, perfectly on her back with her hands over her chest. 'How can she look that pretty sleeping? I'm lucky if I don't have drool on my face.' Elsa thought, absentmindedly running a hand over her chin and the corners of her lips to hide any residue from her deep sleep.

Elsa looked around again, noticing that Rapunzel was nowhere to be found. She stood up and walked over to the girls at the mirror. "Hey." She said groggily, examining her disheveled self in the mirror and straightening out her shirt.

"Hey! How'd you sleep?" Cindy asked her, finishing up putting her hair into a loose and low ponytail with a  blue ribbon wrapped around it. "Have any dreams?"

"Oh, here we go again." Daisy muttered, shaking her head and face palming.

Elsa looked at the quizzically. "What? Well, I think I had a dream but I can't really remember what it was about." Elsa confessed, straining to remember the dream that had been interrupted by the amazing smell coming from downstairs. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, dreams are a wish your heart makes and lets say, you dreamed of a boy, we would know..." She trailed off but Elsa knew what she was referring to.

"I don't like anyone right now, besides, it's not like any boy that I dream up would even like me back." Elsa sighed, walking back over to her sleeping bag to grab her phone. \

"But that's the good thing about dreams," Cindy pushed. "No matter how much your life sucks, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."

Elsa nodded her head slightly as she unlocked her phone. "What ever you say Cindy." She looked at the time and found that it was 9:26, proclaiming that she got around seven hours of sleep. She looked at her notifications and found she had dozens of friend requests on Facebook and Instagram, including her new five best friends. Elsa shut her phone off, deciding that she would deal with sorting through them later. That's when she remembered who was missing. "Where's Rap?"

"Oh, she went to the bathroom right before you woke up." Daisy replied. "As soon as these two wake up as well, we can go down for breakfast. My mom is making-"

"Bacon and french toast?" Elsa guessed.

Daisy smiled. "Exactly, it's one of her specialties."

"Did someone say bacon and french toast?" Meg asked, shooting straight up and tangling her legs in her sleeping bag. She stopped once she was standing and held a hand to her forehead, waiting a couple moments until she looked up at them again. "Wooh, head rush! So," She rubbed her hands together and licked her lips. "Breakfast?"

Daisy rolled her eyes. "Let's get Sleeping Beauty over here awake and then we can go have your precious breakfast."  

Meg nodded eagerly and hopped over to Aurora. Straddling her friend's stomach and holding her wrists, she waved them around and shouted in her ear. "AURORA! WAKE UP! THERE'S NO PRINCE TO KISS YOU THIS TIME!" Elsa giggled at their foolishness and watched as Aurora raised her eyelids slowly, revealing her violet eyes.

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