The luv practice

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Kelly had a new secret. Interestingly, Scar can already tell by the fact she crosses the corridor to her classroom everyday although she knows Scar is in the field, her eyes are always on that one tall boy with platinum blonde hair styled in the middle part, light turquoise eyes and a soft smirk that Kelly can find a close resemblance of Scarlet, but it's more cordial and warm. His decency and charm is enough for Scarlet to help her friend out, anything, even teaches her kissing. However, she also warns Kelly that her beauty could sometimes attract unwanted attention, urging her to trust her instincts and choose her companions wisely. 

"I didn't know you're that good."

Scarlet said nothing, she just make a slight side smile

Kelly's eyes lighten up with interest

"Oooh, tell me, how did you learn to kiss" Kelly winked and nudged Scarlet's arm with her elbow

"Nah, I don't really want to talk about that."

"Why? Tell me, who taught you that, pleassseeee"

"A douchebag with an ass in his mouth yesterday afternoon" Scarlet's gritted

"Who? Wait! Don't tell me that's the guy that called me a.."

She nodded. Kelly was too stunned to speak

"Okay, wow, not that I care about that piece of shit but, what happened between you guys?"

Scarlet sits down besides Kelly, side to side, recalled her story:

"Alright, I guess I have to tell from the start... 10 years of living with my uncle, I found myself in music. He was a DJ in his prime time, and somehow it flowed in me. I used to go to every party day and night, and people, whether my friends or not, would call me the hot spot of the club. I never really have friends though, but I had a date with this dude that I met at the music festival 2 years ago. His name is Max." She paused and lowered her jaw "After we talked for like a week, he asked me out. You'd not believe me when I said this but he was such a babe, we talked stuff and shit, then I agreed to go on a date with him. That night, we met at a bar at a night and partied like usual. Then he got pretty wasted and suddenly acted like a dumbass out of nowhere. I don't wanna talk too much, but I did what I did. Then I dumped him right after I went home. The next morning at school, he haunted me down like crazy that I have to tell Jax to trip him twice, not excluding the stair. He always does that whenever that pussy tries to bother me. Mostly, I do it myself. It's not a surprise that we got into detention several times."

"Dang Scar, that's so badass. Could that be the reason I like Jax so much, a hero." Kelly giggle with a dreamy light in her bright hazel eyes. "Wait up, now that you told me, I just remember something. Two years ago, I went to the school party every last semester, including the senior night. If I remember, I heard a voice from the corner of the stage but I couldn't see clearly, I've always thought that voice is really familiar now that I'm listening to you. Are you.. the Dj girl that everyone talked about that time?"

"Yep, that's right. You caught me right there."

"Aw girl, how come I didn't see you! You're super dope, you know"

Scarlet made a soft laugh "Thanks"

"But... why you're always by yourself. I thought everyone wants to be your friend."

"Because two days after, big fat loser got bitter and became a jerk. He started the rumor that I'm a lesbian and shit, and he used his stupid ass face to make them believe whatever the fuck he said without working their brains out. But I let this stupid rumor get the best of my study time which is why I'm still here instead of graduating. I want to skin him alive, but of all that, I just wanna care about my own thing. I was kinda glad cause this asshole also stuck in high school. I never trust any relationship again, not even friends."

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