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Kelly scanned the crowd, her eyes searching for the host of the surprise party. She had followed the cryptic address Scarlet had sent her, and ended up finding a concert hall buzzing in excitement, the air thick with anticipation. She heard the familiar voice of Sarah, followed by the popular girls, as they walked out on stage in glamorous dressé announcing the next performer.

"And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for..." Sarah's voice trailed off, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "The one and only... Scarlet!"

Kelly's breath hitched in her throat. She had never seen Scarlet perform before, and seeing her bathed in the stage lights, guitar in hand, was breathtaking.

Scarlet filled the air, melodic and super addictive to hear, it electrifies everyone vibing to it. Kelly felt her heart soar as she recognized the song – her favorite track from Scarlet's mix. Mesmerized, her eyes glued to Scarlet's every move. As the music progressed, Scarlet's eyes met Kelly's, a playful smile dancing on her lips, held her microphone towards the crowd

"Hello guys, welcome to the party. As you can see, we're here to celebrate the day of someone really special. Her name is Kelly, a really good friend of mine. By the way, can anyone see the enchanting princess?" Her hands pointed directly at where Kelly stands. "Here she is, Kelly, the center of the party today. I wanna give her a surprise gift, and to make the vibe more vibing, anyone here wants to take her on stage to finish these lyrics with me?"

Kelly froze for a moment, her nerves tingling. She never sang in front of people before. But seeing everyone's encouraging smiles, she hesitantly walked towards the stage. The crowd erupted in cheers as she took the microphone, her hand trembling slightly. Then she took a deep breath.

Together, they launched into the song. Kelly, though initially nervous, found her voice blending seamlessly with Scarlet's. Even Scarlet is in awe with her voice, as if an angel is standing in front of her. Kelly, with the spotlights on her, but she only saw somebody. Someone she's lost in a world of their own, oblivious to the cheering crowd, it keeps going like that for hours.

"Yes, I wanna see all your hands up!! You guys are freakin awesome!"

In the middle of the song, Scarlet leaned closer to Kelly and whispered, "That's my girl." The words sent a jolt through Kelly, warming her from the inside out.

The song ended to thunderous applause. Kelly hugged Scarlet tightly, her voice choked with emotion "This was the most amazing birthday gift ever, Scarlet," she whispered. "Thank you for everything."

Scarlet smiled with mischief. "I couldn't have asked for a better audience," she replied, her gaze lingering on Kelly's face.

Across the room, Sarah and Jax, Kelly's former crush, found themselves extremely drawn to the conversation together. Their laughter mingled with the music, their chemistry undeniable even as the popular girls teased them relentlessly.

"Forgot to invite me already?"

All of a sudden, Kelly stopped vibing to her song. Something struck her in a glance of a moment, the voice of a woman made her turn around. It isn't just a woman's voice, it's the woman she's been thinking about in her sleep for 3 years, 12 months, 20 days. The woman has a slim, soft figure, although her face is a bit pale and her hair has thinned significantly, yet the smoothness is untouched. She has a small appearance like Kelly but is a bit taller than her, with golden hair just like hers and gentle blue eyes, looking through an endless ocean sky. She wore a dress that matched her eye color, with lavender patterns that were extremely elegant and comfortable.

"Mom?" Kelly whispered, but anyone can hear the shakiness in her raw voice. "Is it really you?"

A soft smile graced her mother's lips, the same familiar warmth that Kelly had missed for so long. "It's me, sweetheart," she said, her voice weak but filled with love.

"MOM!" Kelly gasped, she couldn't even grasp what happened today, not even in her dream, then she made a quite pause before processing all things she saw this eventful scene and squeezed her mom, streaming her eyes in tears. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you for years. I miss you so much, mom. And you look so beautiful."

"I miss you too, my tootie sweetie." She squished Kelly's cheeks "I didn't know what happened in the past 3 years or how you're doing, but I surely never forget my daughter's birthday. Luckily, I came back to life just on time."

Words suddenly seemed inadequate to express the torrent of emotions that flooded through Kelly. She wanted to rush into her mother's arms again, to feel the warmth of her embrace, to tell her how much she missed her and her father. But her feet remained rooted to the spot, as if paralyzed by the weight of three years of silence.

"But, how did you get here mom? Did someone tell you?"

"Yeah, indeed someone. She visited me pretty frequently in my "sleep". Also, that girl is pretty cool. Looks like my daughter has a fashion rival, or duo, however you put it."

Kelly's head suddenly bounced. She possibly knows who it is. Who else can know her mom's condition better than me, unless she told them wholeheartedly when they're alone.

The night was filled with laughter and music. Kelly looked around at the faces of her friends and loved ones, her heart filled with gratitude. From an isolated teenager whose life was almost wrecked, she is now surrounded by people who cared for her, people who had supported her through the toughest times. And now, she had her mother back in her life, a precious gift that made everything feel right again.

"I don't care if I say this again, Scar, but I'm glad I met you."

"And, I'm happy to have you in my life, Kel."

This was a birthday she would never forget, and something that people won't forget about her is her golden heart and face. But there's something else purer, something that only one person notices, she's now in her signature romantic essence, no longer covered with outer darkness. Something transcends enchanted melody, makes them themselves, and undeniable, and unbreakable.


END <3

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