thirty seven.

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☼girl interrupting☾

"Everyone, gather around

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"Everyone, gather around." Daniel yelled out to his students.

Without much of a warning, Daniel called for an emergency Miyagi-Do meeting. Nonetheless, the students showed up and did as told; Sam, Sonny, Hawk, and Demetri standing in the front as the rest if Miyagi-Do stood behind them.

"It's great to see you all back here again. You know, we had one goal going into the All Valley. Beat Cobra Kai." He said. Sonny dropped her gaze from Daniel and shoulders slumped. She felt eyes watching the back of her head and she started to fidget.

"Walked away with a first place trophy thanks to Eli." Daniel cheered and Sonny smiled at the ground. She was proud of Hawk.

"As far as the rest of the tournament." Daniels starts. His eyes fell on Sonny. When he saw that her eyes were practically glued to the ground as a form of guilt, sadness, and embarrassment, Daniel sighed, not wanting to make the girl feel bad. "Well, it just didn't go our way."

Sonny slowly looked up at Daniel's words. Her eyes lock with her sensei and Daniel smiled, hoping to silently tell her it's okay that she didn't win.

He turned back to the other students and sighed. "We said we'd close our dojo if we lost. And that's exactly what we're going to do. As of today, I'm shutting down Miyagi-Do Karate."

Gasps murmured throughout the backyard. "What?" Sam yelled as Eli shook his head. "Wait, Mr. Larusso—" Daniel cut off Eli, not looking any of the front row in the eyes. "I know that's not what you were hoping to hear, but with everything going on at Cobra Kai, continuing Miyagi-Do only leaves a target on your backs."

Daniel sighed, upset that he was hurting his students, but knowing this was for the best. "Guys, I have to keep you safe, okay? Just remember what you've learned. This dojo may be closing, but Miyagi-Do lives inside each and every one of you still."

Sonny's head fell. As people started to walk out, Demetri sighed. "Great. Guess I'm getting a summer job." He grumbled as he started to walk away.

Hawk gently wrapped his arm around her shoulders and started to walk with her out of the dojo. Her feet felt heavy as she carried the guilt with her. If Sonny had won the All Valley, Cobra Kai would be gone, but she lost.

She felt eyes on her as she and Eli walked towards Demetri's car, the boy angrily sitting in the drivers seat as he scrolled through his phone for jobs hiring.

When he heard the front and back passenger doors open, he put his phone in his center console and scoffed. "I can't believe I have to get a summer job now. I wish we had just won." He snapped.

Sonny sank in the backseat as Eli, who sat in the front with Demetri, whacked his arm. Demetri jumped at the hit and turned to Hawk with a defensive look. Eli nodded his head discreetly to Sonny in the backseat. When Demetri looked back at Sonny, his shoulders slumped.

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